

2 What did Hitler believe was the ideal Aryan?

Updated: 9/14/2020
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what did Hitler delieve was the ideal aryan

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Hitler believed that the germanic people with blonde hair and blue eyes were the pure aryans. Aryan is in refurence to the people from the caucus mountins who became the ancestors to all of Europe, indiam arabia, and northern Africa. Hitler believed that all of these people had aryan ancetry but only the germanic people were pure aryans, as in his idea of how aryans from the past looked.

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1. The ideal aryan is when a woman gives birth to ten children who are all male and they would receive a reward because during World War 2 boys were taken to the army to fight for their country. 2. The Ideal Aryan can also be know as the master race. 3. The Ideal Aryan was a tradition the German's followed which Hitler had reinforced to grow birth rate higher so that men could fight in wars and women could work in factories. 4. Hitler never wanted to have children because he didn't want any of his children to follow The Ideal Aryan law and kept this a secret from his own country. 5. The people of Germany found out about Hitler's secret of not wanting to give up his own son and the birth rate decreased dramtically for a few weeks until they rose again after Hitler offering medals of gold for people who would conceieve ten male sons.

What did Hitler believe about the Aryans?

There is NO Aryan race. Never has been, never will be. This was created by white supremacist and Hitler to push the philosophy that there was a group of superior people and everyone else is expendable because they don't fit the model Aryan. The term denotes a group of people who spoke an Indo-European language who invaded northern India in 2 BC replacing the native people. It meant noble and was a self designation. Hitler's Aryan was a blond blue eyed German as a supreme form of a human or master race. According to Hitler the Aryan was from Nordic people of Sweden and Norway. These people NEVER existed as an Aryan race. It was all made up.

Why did Hitler believe in white supremacy?

Hitler had a deep irrational belief that the Jews were the cause of all the economic and political and social ills of the world. He blamed them for the bad ending of World War 2 and the Treaty of the Versailles. So he was a racist on that count. He did not believe in "White Supremacy". He believed in "Pure Aryan Race Supremacy". There is a big difference there. Any old white person did not necessarily meet with Adolf Hitler's criteria of who was a Pure Aryan person.

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What 2 groups did the Nazis mainly target?

Yes their was Aryan race, Hitler described a aryan to be Blond haired, blue eyes Tall, Handsome, athletic, strong, Straight/Nono homosexual and White and their Sub humans, this is group of people according to hitler who wasnt aryan such as gypsies, black people, Physically disbabled people, Jews. with the Holocaust and the death camps, these sub humans was disrespected and treated as outsiders and discriminated of being non aryan.

Why did World War 2 began?

Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. He wanted to create an world Aryan state.

Why did the Germans start turning against the Jews even though they didn't want to?

For 2 reasons 1. Hitler was using propaganda on the germans, so some did believe in hitler and his ideal's about the Jews also, this was quite impowering to hitler because, once hitler got majority of germans on his side, he could proceed his plans 2. Hitler was using terror on the germans and the opposels of to the nazis

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A place where babies were illegitimately born to soldiers and women at the time of World War 2, when Hitler's goal was to make a "perfect" Aryan race.

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It didnt have anything to do with him having dark hair.. Long before Hitler was in charge people disliked Jews and blamed them for their country's financial issues because of Jewish control of money markets and banks. Also Hitler believed they were "contaminating the superior race" so he wanted to get rid of- Jews, Gypsies, Poles, homosexuals, Jehovah witnesses, and disabled people. He believed the Aryan Race was superior... Yeah even though he had dark hair (and the 'best' had blonde), he was being a hypocrite...

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i believe in 1940's to 1945 hitler holocaust thing

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Aryan and aryan