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Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. it is used to reduce nitrogen gas to ammonia in the Haber-Bosch teratogenic.

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Neon (Source: Jefferson Lab)

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Q: 2nd most abundant element in the universe?
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What is the element that is 2nd most abundant element on Earth?

The second most abundant element on Earth is silicon. Silicon is found in various minerals and rocks, making up about 27.7% of the Earth's crust by weight.

The 2nd most abundant element in the earths crust and have 14 neutrons?


The 2nd most abundant element in the earth's crust and has 14 electrons?

it is Silicon .

What is the 2nd most abundant element in the earths' crust?

Siliconsilicon at 28%silicon!

Why is helium common?

Helium is the 2nd lightest element and is the 2nd most abundant in the Universe. Most helium was formed during the Big Bang (See Link), but new helium is being created as a result of the nuclear fusion of hydrogen in stars.

What is the most abundant element in entire earth?

There is incomplete info on the core, but Iron is likely to be it. However, since many elements in the crust are oxides and if you include water and atmospheric oxygen current information points that oxygen is the most abundant element on earth at about 45-50% of the Earth's mass (note its also the 3rd most abundant element in the universe) but element of the earth would be hydrogen (H) for every 1 oxygen on the earth there is 2 hydrogens (in normal air situations)Good answer=)(a wiki answers user was here..... not him^^^^^)Oxygen is the most abundant element in the earth's crust.

What is 2nd most abundant element in the earths crust and has 14 neutrons?

The 2nd most abundant in the earth's crust and has 14 neutrons is silicon In 1824 Silicon was discovered by a Swedish chemist.

What is the 2nd most abundant element in the earth's crust?

Silicon is a rather curious element, surpassed only by oxygen for the most abundant element to be found in the crust. Silicon's modern uses include mainly different types of electronics, such as solid-state drives.

I am the 2nd abundant element in the earths crust and have 14 neutrons?


This element is the fifth most abundant element in the earth's crustand makes up more than 3 percent of the crust it reacts with water and is in the 2nd group of the periodic table this element is?

It is Neon!

What characteristics does silicon have?

Silicon is a metalloid with a shiny, blue-gray metallic luster. It is a semiconductor, meaning it can conduct electricity under certain conditions. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust and is widely used in electronics and solar technology.

The most abundant compound?

H2o and 2nd c2