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Hezekiah destroyed it because people were bowing down to it instead of to the one true God.

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1mo ago

Hezekiah destroyed Moses' bronze serpent because it had become an object of idolatry among the Israelites, who were burning incense to it. Hezekiah wanted to purify the worship of God by removing any objects that had become a distraction or source of idolatry.

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Q: 3 Why did Hezekiah destroy Mose's bronze serpent?
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What did Moses do with the bronze serpent when he was building the covenant of the ark?

He tied it to a tall pole and let it hang from there.

Was the serpent that Moses fashioned copper or bronze?

The simple translation of the verse (in Numbers ch.21) is copper. Anything else would be commentary or interpretation.

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His rod turned into serpent. The Egyptians did imitate that but Moses serpent ate the other serpents.

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American King James Verson: 'And the Lord said to Moses 'Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole and it shall come to pass that every one that is bitten when he looks on it shall live.' Moses either free-carved a serpent or carved the shape of serpent into the pole.

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God turned Moses' rod into a serpent during the encounter at the burning bush, as a sign of His power to perform miracles. This event is described in the Book of Exodus in the Bible.

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The bronze snake staff in the Bible is made of bronze because bronze was a common metal used in ancient times for its durability and malleability. Additionally, bronze was associated with healing properties in ancient beliefs, which may have influenced its selection for the staff to symbolize healing and protection.

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They were swallowed by moses' serpent which subsequently turned back into a stick.

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God told Moses (Numbers ch.21) to make the image of a serpent. This was to remind those who complained about the journey or about the food (ibid.), that they were in effect badmouthing God (the snake is a symbol of slander).BTW, it's wilderness, not desert.

What did Moses' staff turn into?

According to The Bible/Tanakh/Old Testament, when Moses went before Pharoah, Moses' staff changed into a snake/serpent, and then back into a staff again. (Exodus 4:1-5)

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God sent fiery serpents as a punishment for the Israelites' disobedience in the wilderness. These serpents bit the people, causing many deaths until Moses made a bronze serpent on a pole, which the people could look at to be healed.

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If you're a widow pray night and day; 1 Tim 5:5Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day.... For another husband, perhaps? And Moses prayed for the people. And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. - Numbers 21:4-9