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ccc* <---* can row.

1. M and c goes to the right side of river, m comes back to left.
2. C* and c goes to the right side of river, c* comes back.
3. M and m goes to the right side of river, m and c comes back.
4. M and c* goes to the right side of river, m and c comes back.
5. M and m goes to the right side of river, c* comes back.
6. C* and c goes to the right, c* comes back.
7. C* picks c up and crosses. Woo!

Hope that helped.

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Q: 3 missionaries and 3 cannibals want to cross a river using a small boat that can only hold 2 people Only the missionaries and 1 cannibal know how to operate the boat There can never be more cannibals?
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Can cannibals eat people?

To be a cannibal you HAVE to eat people.

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inuits are not cannibals. it is just a rumour spread by people

Where can you find people who eat human cannibal?

There are so few cannibals in the world, who could find them to eat.

What is a cannibol?

If you mean cannibal, it's any animal that eats others of its own kind. People that eat human flesh are cannibals but dogs that eat other dogs are also referred to as cannibals.

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People that eat human flesh are cannibals. Any animal that eats its own species is also a cannibal.

What are canibals?

cannibals are people who act or practice eating human flesh or internal organs of human being's. A Person who practice cannibalism is called a cannibal

What kind of cannibals are there?

Only one type. The type that eat their own race. For example: In the human world, we classify cannibals as people who eat other people. Here is another: If a butterfly ate another butterfly, that said butterfly would be said a 'cannibal'.

Are cannibals allowed to eat human flesh?

Cannibals are not allowed to eat people. but eating people is why they are cannibals so...............................................they do anyway.

What is it called when humans eat humans?

Cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating flesh of other humans. In zoology, the term "cannibalism" is extended to refer to any species consuming members of its own kind (see cannibalism (zoology)).

What is the collective noun for cannibals?

the collective noun for cannibals is a group as cannibals are just people who eat meat!

Who are the cannibals?

Cannibals are people who eat other people. It's pretty gross actually. : P