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Q: 3 things that effect the strength of a wave?
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There's a HUGE difference between the two. I'll list them: ~ Wave 1 is discontinued ~ Wave 1 has brown hair, and Wave 3 has purple & green hair ~ Wave 3 comes with her little sister Howleen ~ Wave 1 comes with a pet, diary, stand, and hairbrush BUT wave 3 DOES NOT

Which parts of the transverse wave are analogous to the parts of a longitudinal wave?

Well the wavelength is the distance between succesive crests, or troughs on a transverse wave is the distance between consecutive compressions or rarefactions of a longitudinal wave. the frequency can is the time between consecutive crest on a transverse wave and the time between consecutive rarefactions or compressions on a longitudinal wave. the amplitude on a transverse wave is the distance between a crest and the zero value of the wave, not till the trough. on a longitudinal wave the amplitidue is measured by the strength of the rarefactions or compressions as compared to the natural state of the propagation medium. so for a longidudinal wave travelling throught the air; if the compression pressure is 4 bar the amplitude would be greater than if the compression pressure was 3 bar, because the air's natural pressure is 1 bar. in reality things like sound waves have much less compression pressure.

What are 3 things that affect the Sofar Channel?

i think only 2 things effect on sound under water, temperature and pressure.

What are 3 types of progressive waves?

Longitudinal Wave,Transverse Wave,Orbital Wave