

4 months since sex you have normal periods?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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I don't understand the question. Unless you are pregnant after unprotected sex you should have normal menstruation.

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Q: 4 months since sex you have normal periods?
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Is it normal to bleed after sex if its been over 18 months since you last had it?

no, not normal at all, go to a gynecology specialist

If you had bleeding for three months then it stopped are you pregnant?

As in bleeding all the time for 3 months? You need to go and see the doctor. If you mean that you had your periods for 3 months (ie as normal, not lasting for 3 months) and then they didn't arrive on the fourth month, it depends on a few things: . Were those three months your first periods? . Have you had sex? . Is it a combination of both? If they were your first periods and you have NOT had sex, it is not anything to worry about. Periods take about a year (sometimes longer) to regulate If you have had sex, you need to take a pregnancy test If these were not your first three periods, take a pregnancy test if you've had sex and if not, see if you get your next period, and if not, go and see the doctor

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I had sex 11 times my first week and my period was EXACT! even after months of sex I have never been late, and the the first period after I started was a little heavier, after that I was fine!

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What does it mean when you Miss your period for 2 months and still going through puberty is it normal?

When you are just beginning to get periods (first few years) you may miss a few. It is completely normal. The only other thing is, if you miss periods, you could be pregnant (if you have had sex obviously!) If you havent, its normal

Can young girls have periods for six months and then not have a period for 2 months when she has not had sex?

That'd be a bit unusual, but not impossible. Periods are often irregular in the beginning, and stress in particular can upset the schedule.

You had unprotected sex a month and got your periods normally recently will you get pregnant?

No, not unless you have had unprotected sex since your last period. Then there may be a chance.

What causes you to have periods for months?

Some girls have irregular periods and that could be completely normal for you. You should keep a record of when you start and stop each period for a few months and then take that to your doctor. They can check you out to see if there are any real problems, but most likely will just put you on birth control to give you a normal cycle.

You like to get tied to the bed and gagged for long periods of time during after and before you have sex is this Normal?

Of course not. If you like to do that its fine.

Is it normal for a teen to miss her period for three months?

It is fairly normal, as teenagers periods are not always regular because their hormones have not fully regulated yet. However, if she has had sex, she should take a pregnancy test. If she hasn't had sex, it might be worth going to see a doctor to check everything is OK, which it probably is. It is probably caused by stress, anxiety, tiredness, travelling, illness or not eating properly.

Which months are safe for sex in pregnency time?

In normal pregnancy without problem, it is safe to have sex from the beginning of your pregnancy until you give birth.

Havent had period in two months worried im 16 sure havent had sex.?

Periods come and go, I wouldn't worry to much :)