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Clinical depression is often difficult to understand for many people because symptoms vary. In fact, mental health professionals look for many signs, not just 5 signs. It's always best to understand how depression manifests itself in different people. For example, a woman, age 32, may experience weight gain, overeating, crying spells, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts while another woman the same age may experience crying spells, irritable mood, and unexplained physical pain. Although these women are the same age, their symptoms are quite different.

It is also wise to keep in mind that different cultures, genders, and age groups experience depression differently as well. Someone in their teen years may experience depression more severely than someone in their 30s. Although women may experience depression at higher rates, men experience it too but tend to cover their symptoms or express more irritability than women. Think of depression in this way: depression looks different in different people, cultures, age groups, and genders. No one person is the same, which is why it is important to talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Unexplained physical pain, chronic migraine headaches, irritability, low frustration tolerance, poor concentration, insomnia or sleeping too much can all be signs of depression. The more you talk, the more you know.

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Everyone become depressed from time to time. The loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship or losing job can have a person feeling blue and down in the dumps. However, there is a difference between simply feeling depressed and suffering from clinical depression. Knowing the symptoms of the disease can potentially save a life once medical attention is sought.

One of the most basic symptoms of depression is the inability to concentrate. You may find yourself at work or doing a simple task such as watching TV at home but find yourself unable to adequately focus on what you are doing. Along with difficulty in concentrating, you may also find it hard to make decisions, and your memory may fail you, especially where details are concerned.

Your sleep is often irregular when you are suffering from clinical depression. This is a very common symptom. You may find it difficult to fall asleep, or once you have fallen asleep, you may waken periodically throughout the night and have trouble staying asleep, even when you are exhausted both physically and mentally. Insomnia is a very common feature of depression, although when you do sleep, you may find yourself awaking very early in the morning.

Another common symptom of depression is a feeling of anxiety, sadness and hopelessness. You will most likely find it difficult to smile or laugh, even at situations that are genuinely funny.

When you suffer from depression, it is not uncommon to have a vast decrease in energy. You will find yourself feeling fatigued all the time, often exhausted and unable to perform even the most basic everyday activities. Aches and pains are also a common symptom of depression, including cramps, aches and pains and problems with your digestion that persist even when you get treatment for them.

Individuals who have clinical depression typically also experience a loss of interest, even in activities that once brought them pleasure. You will find that your hobbies no longer mean as much to you as they once did.

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Depression symptoms can be common or specific to a human variable such as gender, race, or age. Simply stated, all people can demonstrate fatigue or lack of appetite, but other symptoms are specific to things like a menstrual cycle or peer pressure in adolescents.

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I think the best place to get treatment for your depression symptoms is with your local doctor. They can generally control your symptoms with SSRI medications

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