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Sounds as though he's trying to play, or even to mother them. The 'funny meowing' could be playful or affectionate communication. Keep a close eye on the pets when they're together, to watch for actual signs of aggression. If you are still worried, ring your vet or animal clinic. Answer: It also sounds like that cat's also trying to teach the little 'uns who's the boss as well. ^_^ I know mothers teach their cats behaviors and stuff, and holding them down could be one of those things.

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Q: 5 yr. old male inside neutered cat licks new female 3 month old kittens to pieces then bites them in the neck and holds them down and makes a funny meowing as if complaining sound any suggestions?
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Is there a problem with a cat if she will not quit meowig?

If your female cat does not quit meowing it could be spring and she is in heat/looking for a mate. Or she could be preparing to have kittens. Or she could be sick.

Your cat is meowing you think something is wrong?

The meowing of a cat is perfectly normal. I its his/her way of asking for something or loving you. If something is wrong your cat will probably be lazy and growling.

Why does your new cat keep meowing?

Kittens develop their own identity at birth, like babies. Some of them are very quiet and will only meow when they grow older and are able to walk, whereas others start the meowing at a very early stages. Having add various litters of kittens, I've noticed some kittens will meow to get attention form their mother, or even humans, or to express their food needs. Those are generally the most active kittens and the less shy. They tend to fade others' attention on the way, which is however not an issue as cat will provide the same amount of care to all its kittens in the litter. As they get older, kittens might develop new ways to get noticed and express their needs, like cuddling or scratching.

What is a word that ends in -ing that describes a cat?

meowing and annoying

Is meowing a verb?

Yes, meowing, the present participle of meow, meaning the sound made by cats, is an action and therefore a verb.A verb is a word that describes an action (run, walk, etc), a state of being (exist, stand, etc) or occurrence (happen, become, etc).

Related questions

Dogs woof but we call it bark cats meow what do you call it?

it's still called meowing or mewing if they are kittens.

Is there a problem with a cat if she will not quit meowig?

If your female cat does not quit meowing it could be spring and she is in heat/looking for a mate. Or she could be preparing to have kittens. Or she could be sick.

What sounds do mother cats make?

Purring, meowing, pretty much every sound they make any other time except with a few added to communicate with her kittens. :)

How do you keep a cat from meowing?

There is no known way to keep a cat from meowing. Meowing is a cat's only natural way of communicating.

Why do kitties stop meowing?

they never stop meowing!:) they will for there whole life(:

Your cat had babies and she won't feed them what can you do to make her let them eat?

You can't make the mother cat feed the kittens. Sometimes a mother cat won't lie down to let the kittens nurse because she wants something from her owners. Has she been following you or meowing around you lately?There's another possibility that she has no milk. I strongly suggest to bring her and her kittens to a vet to see that everything is okay. For the time being, you will have to feed the kittens yourself. Use an eyedropper or a small baby bottle. Hope this helps.

What is the meowing primate?


What makes more noise than a cat meowing outside your window?

Seven cats meowing outside your window.

What is anather word for purring?


What are the symptoms if a cat is bitten?

meowing alot

What does the meowing night frog eat?


What is meowing in French?

it means "miaulement" in French