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Q: 6. If the 50grams of reactant go into a reaction how many grams of products do we expect to get out?
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Who states that during a chemical reaction the products weigh as much as the reactants?

I expect you mean Antoine Lavoisier. Please see the link.

What would you expect from an endothermic reaction?

Endothermic reactions are characterized by the release of heat during the reaction. A typical example is the combustion of methane, which when combined with oxygen releases water and carbon dioxide.

Why should you not expect a 100 percent yield of crystals?

there will be certain unavoidable errors that will prevent an experiment from achieving 100% yield. probably the most common error will be filtration and recovery of products. the filtration process may allow some of the product to pass through. Also during recovery there will be some product lost. for example some of the products is stuck on the glass of a flask and cannot be completely removed. other errors could be the limiting reactant may not be 100% pure, eg. (the reactant may also contain water moisture)

What would you expect to happen if you mixed argon and sodium together?

Since argon is a noble gas, I wouldn't expect much to happen; specifically, I wouldn't expect any chemical reaction.

What gram reaction do you expect from acid-fast bacteria?

Gram positive

Another student forgets to add concentrated sulfuric acid to the reaction mixture in attempt to synthesise aspirin what would you expect the ferric chloride test to show Why?

you should expect a purple color because the reaction would not go through with out the catalyst sulfuric acid. If the reaction did go through you would expect a yellow color with pure aspirin

Which of the following reaction mixtures would you expect to have the fastest initial rate?

The reaction mixture with the highest concentration of reactants is expected to have the fastest initial rate because there are more collisions between reactant molecules leading to a higher chance of successful reactions in a given time period. Additionally, the presence of a catalyst can also increase reaction rate by providing an alternative reaction pathway with lower activation energy.

You may normally expect a slow reaction if a low activation energy is required?

Yes, reactions with low activation energies typically proceed at a slower pace because only a small amount of energy is needed to initiate the reaction. This means that fewer collisions between reactant particles will have enough energy to overcome the activation energy barrier, resulting in a slower overall reaction rate.

Which age group would usually be expected to have the slowest reaction time?

Older adults, typically over the age of 65, would be expected to have the slowest reaction time compared to younger age groups. This is due to age-related decline in cognitive processing speed and motor function.

What gram reaction would you expect if you used a culture that was growing for 72 hours?

If a culture has been growing for 72 hours, it is likely that most of the bacterial cells would have undergone multiple rounds of cell division and may have varying degrees of cell wall synthesis. As a result, it would be challenging to predict a specific gram reaction without additional information or performing a Gram stain test on the culture.

Why is there addition?

well what do you expect. "For every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction." There is subtraction, and the opposite is addition.

What do consumers expect when they buy products and services?

When consumers buy goods and services, they expect them to be as good as the seller claims they are. They look for utility when they purchase the goods.