

6 properties of metals

Updated: 8/9/2023
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Lustrous- they are shiny at room temperature (except for Mercury, as it is a shiny liquid metal)

Malleable- metals are able to be withstand pressure via compression (being flattened into sheets) without cracking or rupturing. For example, lead is a highly malleable metal.

Ductility- ductility is a material's ability to deformed or change shape without breaking. This is often thought of in the sense of a substance's ability to be molded into wires. For example, steel is a highly ductile metal.

High density- by nature, metals have a more compact structure, meaning the atoms within are held closer together. They have smaller atomic radii relative to other elements within their period on the Periodic Table, due to the fact they have less valence electrons. This means that the valence electrons are going to be more attracted to the protons in the nucleus, thus meaning a stronger bond (less distance) between those electrons and the nucleus.

Good heat conductors- due to the more compact nature of metals (high density) and their lattice or symmetrical, orderly structure, the "cloud" of delocalized electrons (electrons being gained or lost between the atoms of that metal and aren't committed to 1 atom) are more able to carry the extra energy being conducted on the metal to other electrons.

Good electricity conductors- metals are also good electricity conductors for similar reasons mentioned above under "good heat conductors".

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13y ago
  • Strong & Hard
  • Shines when Polished (Luster)
  • Solid State (except Mercury) in room temperature
  • Heat Conductors
  • Electric Conductors
  • Dense
  • Malleable
  • Ductile
  • Sonorous sound
  • High Melting Points
  • High Boiling Points
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- hardness

- electrical conductivity

- thermal conductivity

- resilience

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12y ago

Hard, shiny, malleable, ductile, good conductors of heat, and good conductors of electricity! :) hope that helps

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What are the properties of metals and non-metals? basically :Properties of Metals; *Tensıle strength , *shear strength , *compressıve strength , *ductility,*malleability, *toughness,*corrosion , *electric and thermal conductivity, *brittleness. *Luster * Conductivityand you asked non metals but you have to decide what kind of material what you asked there are 6 main kind of matter like ceramics , composites , carbons , metals&alloys , polymers...=== ===