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Metalloids have properties of both metals and non-metals.

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The metalloids or semimetals.

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Q: What is classification for the elements that have properties of both metals and non metals?
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What is classification for elements that have properties of both metals and non metals?

i believe it is metalloids

Elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals?


What is the reason to classify the metal and non metal?

Elements are classified into matals and non metals due to different properties of both. Some elements have properties in between and are called metaloids. The reason for the classification is to make their study easy.

Which class of elements have both the properties of metals and non metals?

Conducts heat and electricity very poorly.

Are there elements that aren't a metal or nonmetal?

They are called metalloids. They have properties of both metals and non metals.

Does the stairstep pattern on the periodic table of elements represent metals or non-metals?

The stair-step pattern has metalloids on both sides, that is, such elements which possess properties similar to both metals and non-metals.

What elements have similar properties to Aluminum?

it is phineas and ferb

Is metalloids a type of element?

Yes, metalloids are elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals.

What are the metaloids?

Metaloids are elements that have characteristics of both metals and non-metals.

Do the transition elements display metallic or non metallic properties?

The transition elements are metals. As with all metals, the transition elements are both ductile and malleable, and conduct electricity and heat.

Which elements have properties of both metals and nonmetals?

Elements having properties of both non-metals and metals are called Metalliods. Examples are boron, germanium, arsenic, silicon, antimony, etc.

Element that has both properties of metals and nonmetals?

The elements that show properties of both metals and nonmetals are referred to as metalloids and include, boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, polonium, tellurium, and antimony.