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no he probably is sick or he could be scared because when rabbits get older they get more scared. maybe he could be marking his territory

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Q: 6 yr male rabbit In the last month or so has been trashing his hutch and doing toilet business everywhere - not just in his hutch Is this to do with his age He has never done this before?
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In which area of the globe does the rabbit inhabit?

The rabbit inhabits everywhere in the world except for antarctica.

What is the plot in the velveteen rabbit?

A little boy loves his bunny and takes him everywhere. The other toys in the nursery tell the velveteen rabbit that if you are loved enough you can become real. The little boy gets scarlet fever and has to have all his toys burned. Before he can be burned the velveteen rabbit becomes real and scampers away.

Does parsley have to be dry before a rabbit eats it?

yes you have to dry the parsley before the rabbit eats it.

How do you know your rabbit is angry?

If they start to dig angrilyor fight with their partner. Also, they can wee everywhere!!

Is it easy to care for a rabbit?

Caring for a rabbit can be a little bit tricky at first, but you'll soon get to know your little fuzzball very well, and caring for him/her will become a piece of cake. Please be sure to have all the info you need before you purchase your friend, and consider a rabbit very well. Find out what works best for you and your bunny. Remember that all rabbits are different from each other. I hope this helps to rabbit lovers everywhere!

What should you know before spaying your rabbit?

Before you spay your rabbit, you should know how: much the spay will cost, it will make your bunny not give birth anymore, it will make your rabbit live longer, and it will make your rabbit be HAPPY!

Is rabbit fur or hair dangerous to swallow and or is it dangerous to humans?

If its been everywhere then you don't want to eat it. It's dangerous to everyone,but if you eat the Rabbit and its raw there is a 50/50 chance you will have worms and die.

How does a magician produce a rabbit out of a hat?

First, there should be a rabbit, hidden somewhere, and the magician pulls out a rabbit that was there (somewhere) hidden before the magic show.

What does running down rabbit trails mean?

Like chasing wild geese, running down rabbit trails is an exercise in futility. It means wasting time and energy pursuing leads that go nowhere - or everywhere.

Is the rabbit zodiac sign good for the snake zodiac sign for love?

According to Chinese Astrology, the rabbit and snake can be a good love match, but not for business.

What happens if the rabbits try to breed before before they are 5 months old?

well rite now i hav a female rabbit and a male rabbit and mi female rabbit is pregnant and she just turned 5 months old

Was peter rabbit a book before a film?

yes it was