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Q: 8rz 1896 fz 10d 20g republic mexicana?
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what value or history about this old mexican coin.LIBERTAD 8R.Z.1882.J.S.10D.20G. REPUBLICA MEXICANA?

the frst one on the left

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I had mine appraised on average for $1,150 for a mint condition coin.

What is the value of a 8R M 1893 A M 10D 20G Mexican coin?

Dude I got one too! I wanna know what the coin is called, it's metal content, what the picture on the front is, the value, how to clean it, and what all the letters mean. If there is any other info I'll take that too!

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Yes, 20G is about the standard size for a regular earing.

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what is the density of an 0bject that has a mass of 20g and a volume pf 10mL?

What is the value of an 1892 Mexican N1 coin?

I think you need to double-check that date -- it should be 1982 -- Mexico was a republic in 1882. Unless the coin says onza plata pura (1 ounce pure silver), it's value is negligable -- maybe a couple cents. An onza is currently worth about $10.00 The coin you have is : = REPUBLICA Mexico 1882 LIBERTAD .8R .Z .1882. J. S. 10D. 20G. COIN. It is 46.5% silver and today is worth about 10US Dollars = = ********* = = Pls reference this web site: = = = = According to this site, the 10D 20G refers to the purity, where 12D is pure silver and each D equals 24G. = = So, the coin weighs about 27 grams, or about 2/3 of a troy ounce, and is about 90% pure. =

What fraction of 1kg is 20g?

It is 0.02

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0.020kg is 0.02kg = 20g

Can you shoot 20g bb's with a gun that's supposed to use 6mm 20g bb's?

yes, those bbs are the same thing