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No. No moon in the solar system has its own moon.

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Related questions

What is the moon doing while earth is orbiting the sun?

while the earth is orbiting the sun the moon is orbiting the earth

How may moons are orbiting the planet earth?

One moon is orbiting Earth and that is called The Moon.

Is the moon on top of the sun?

No, it is orbiting our Earth, which is orbiting our Sun.

Do Mercury and Venus have a moon?

No, neither of them have an orbiting moon.

What do you call a moon orbiting a moon?

a satellite of a satellite

Does the moon titan have a moon?

No. No moon in the solar system has a moon orbiting it.

What force keeps a moon from orbiting a planet?

The Moon is orbiting a planet; It is orbiting the Earth. The velocity /acceleration of the Moon and the gravitational pull between Earth and Moon are in balance, so the Moon remains orbiting the Earth. Similarly the Earth and Moon , as a binary system, orbit the Sun , and the acceleration and gravitational forces are in balance. So none of us collide.

What takes longer to orbit the Sun the Moon or the Earth?

Technically, the moon isn't orbiting the sun. The moon is orbiting the Earth that is orbiting the sun. I guess someone should have paid more attention in elementary school!!!

When does the moon rotate around the sun?

All the time. (The moon is actually orbiting around the Earth, which is orbiting around the sun)

What is one observable event other than the moon phases caused by the moon orbiting earth?

The gravitational pull of the orbiting moon causes the ocean tides.

Is there any moon on earth?

There is no moon on Earth, but there is one orbiting it; we call it the moon.

Satellite orbiting the moon?

There is none.