

A 10 year girls average IQ?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The average IQ, by definition, is 100. A proper test will account for age accordingly.

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Q: A 10 year girls average IQ?
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What is a 10 year old child IQ average?

The average IQ for anybody, any age, is 100.

What is the average IQ score for a 30 year old?

Average IQ scores don't change between age groups. The average IQ for a 10-year-old and the average IQ for a 40-year-old, as well as a 30-year-old and so on, is 100. It is the average IQ score for all age groups.

What is average IQ for 10 year old boy?

The average of IQ of a human at any age is meant to be 100.

What is the average IQ for a 10 year old girl?

The average IQ of anyone at any age is around 100.

What is the average IQ score for a 10 year old?


What is the averge IQ of a 10 year old girl?

100 is the average IQ of anyone and it does not depend on age.

If you are a 10 year old boy and your IQ is averages at a 15 year old. What is you IQ?

100. The average is the same regardless of age.

Is 122 good IQ for a 10 year old girl?

An IQ score of 122 is an above average IQ score. It is, thus, a good score.

Is a IQ score of 110 good for a 18 year old?

It's not great, it's about 10 points above average. The average IQ in America is 100, which puts you 10 points above that. It's not great, it's about 10 points above average. The average IQ in America is 100, which puts you 10 points above that.

What is a average IQ for a 14-year-old?

The average IQ is 100.

What is the average IQ for a 9 year old boy?

There is no "average" in IQ. Each person is different and even their IQ will vary 10 points or more on a particular day. When testing IQ this is taken into account and noted on the test results.

How good is an IQ of 138 for an 25 year old man?

It is a very good IQ and above average. 100, plus or minus 10 points, is considered average.