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Q: A 4 pound rabbit jumps into a hole 9ft deep and 2.5ft wide each evening he jumps up 3ft and each afternoon he falls back 2ft how many days will it take the rabbit to get out of the day?
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A 4 pond rabbit falls into a 9 feet deep and 2.5 feet wideeach morning he jumps 3 feet up the side of the hole and each evening he falls back 2 feethow many days will it take the rabbit to get out?


How does hawk adopt to hunt rabbit?

i think it hides and then jumps on it .

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What insect jumps far?

the insects that can jump far are lion, frog, cheetah, rabbit.

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"Which living being gets around on all fours in the morning, on twos in the afternoon, and on threes in the evening?" is the riddle that Oedipus must answer in order to become King of Thebes in the play "Oedipus Rex."Specifically, Oedipus correctly guesses that morning refers to infancy, afternoon to adulthood, and evening to old age. So he gives the correct answer: Man. As a result, the Sphinx jumps over the cliff to death, Oedipus is saved, and the people of Thebes are released from fear and taxes.

What is the meaning of hungry rabbit jumps?

i think it means "whats right isit nesserserly legal"

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You can be sure if one Jumps/falls there is a life changing experience.

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Bella jumps into the ocean, from a cliff on the LaPush Reservation in Washington.

If a person jumps out of a plane and falls two feet to the ground are they dead?

it's ywo feet no unles they land on their face

What Does It Mean When Your Rabbit Jumps And Twists?

When your rabbit is jumping and twisting, you may think it has flea's, but it does not. What this is actually called is a Binky. A Binky basically is an action, performed by a rabbit, meaning it is in a happy, in a good mood!When your rabbit does a funny jump in the air, usually involving flopping its ears about or kicking out its legs, or twisting, its called a binky (no idea why) i have a rabbit and he does this, it is a sign of and happiness, and content. - it makes me laugh XD

On miniclip how do you beat the last level of fancy pants 2?

When the rabbit jumps up and spiders and snails come down, jump on the snail and when the rabbit comes back keep kicking it at him. And look me up on miniclip im jule492.

Who would win a fight Simba from lion king or Rabbit from Skunk Fu describe the fight?

Rabbit recklessly charges towards Simba. Simba jumps out of the way and slashes Rabbit in the back with his claws. Simba then grabs Rabbit in his strong jaws, preparing to finish him off. Rabbit then kicks Simba in the face, causing him to drop Rabbit. Rabbit then attacks Simba with lightning fast punches and kicks, eventually knocking him out. Rabbit wins.