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That would be 40x60 watt-seconds, also known as Joules, so it's 2400 Joules of energy. 3.6 MegaJoules is equal to one kilowatt-hour, also known as 1 unit.

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4d ago

To calculate the energy used by the 60 watt light bulb running for 5 seconds, first convert the power from watts to kilowatts (60 watts = 0.06 kilowatts). Then, multiply the power by the time to get the energy used (0.06 kW * 5 s = 0.3 kilojoules).

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3y ago

300 j of energy

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Q: A 60 watt light bulb runs for 5 seconds how much energy does it use?
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A 100W light bulb will convert all its electrical energy into light and heat. Therefore, it will convert 100 watt-hours of energy into light and heat if left burning for 1 hour.

How much energy does a 100-w light bulb use in 10 s?

Power = energy / time, in SI units: watts = joules / seconds. Solving for energy: Joules = watts x seconds.

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Joules = watts x seconds. Just convert the minutes to seconds, then multiply.

How much energy do you save with 10 light bulbs off?

That depends on the power used by each light bulb. Look at the specifications for a specific light bulb, then multiply the power by 10. Note that energy = power x time; that is to say, the energy spent by a light bulb depends on its power, but also on how long you keep it on. Specifically, watts = joules x seconds.

Different color light bulb affect how much energy it has?

No, Colored light bulbs holds the same amount of energy a regular light bulb holds.

How much of the electrical energy used to light an incandescent bulb is converted into light energy?

Only about 10% of the electrical energy used to light an incandescent bulb is converted into light energy. The rest is mostly given off as heat.

How much energy does a normal light-bulb make in comparison to a colored one?

They are the same light bulb, so they are the same. The colored bulb has coloring applies on its outside surface. They do not make energy, they use energy.

In a 60 watt light bulb how much energy is converted into heat?

In a 60 watt light bulb, most of the energy (around 90-95%) is converted into heat, while the remaining 5-10% is converted into visible light. This inefficiency is why traditional incandescent bulbs are being replaced by more energy-efficient options like LED bulbs.

Why do you think a light bulb feels warm?

A light bulb feels warm because it produces light by generating heat energy as a byproduct. When electricity passes through the filament in an incandescent bulb, the filament heats up to a high temperature, which produces both light and heat.

How much energy do you save per hour if you replace a 60 W light bulb with a 55 W light bulb?

18,000 J

How much energy does a 5 watt light bulb use off?

A lot