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x= trees shadow

t= height of tree itself


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Q: A 6 foot tall man is standing near a tree on level ground aif the mans shadow is 4 feet longhow many feet tall is the tree?
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How long in feet would the shadow be for an object which is 18.6 feet tall?

In addition to the height of the object, the length of its shadow depends on a few other things that are not described in the question. -- Is the object standing straight upright ? -- Is the shadow cast on the ground or on sometheing else? -- If on the ground, is the ground level ? -- What is the altitude (angle) of the sun ?

What time would it be in California if the shadow of a 6' man standing on level ground in Greece was 13' long?

Since the length of a shadow depends not only on the time of day but also the latitude and season, it is not possible to answer the question.

A tree is twice as high as the length of the shadow it casts The distance from the tip of tree to the tip of the shadow is 8 feet What is the length of the shadow that the tree casts?

We can not tell because we do not know how straight the tree is or if the ground is perpendicular or level.

Why are stadium lights on during the day?

ANSWER:It is because of shadow. A stadium floor usually isn't at ground level. It can sometimes be 30-60 feet lower. If the sun isn't directly overhead then the field can be in shadow making it difficult to see if you are standing in the sun. You can try this by standing in a well lit room and look out a window at night. You cant see anything outside unless that area is lit as well. Many teams practice in the daytime, thus the lights are on.

How tall is a flagpole on ground level that casts a shadow 35 feet long with a man that stands 6 feet tall and he casts a shadow of 8 feet long?

28 feet

What is a shadow stick?

A shadow stick is a vertical pole placed in the ground. Sunlight casts its shadow on to a level surface below (e.g. a sheet of card or just level ground The length and position of the shadow then depends on both the time of year and the time of day. Local noon can be found from the time when the shadow is shortest. At this time the Sun is highest in the sky and crossing the meridian. However, shadow sticks are not good clocks - the azimuth of the Sun's shadow at a given time changes throughout the year with the Sun's declination.

Is the length of your shadow the same as your height?

No. Only if the ground is level and the light source is very far away and at a 45 degree angle.

What is the angle of elevation to the sun when a tree 6 m high cast a shadow of 4.8 m on level ground?

51.34019175 degrees or as 51o20'24.69''

What time would it be in California if the shadow of a 6' man standing on level ground in Norway was 3' long?

It is impossible for the shadow of a 6' man to be 3' long in Norway. In order for this to happen, the elevation of the Sun would have to be 63 degrees. Since Norway is a minimum of 57 degrees latitude, even at the summer solstice (+22.5) the elevation of the Sun would only be 53.5. The question has no answer. Please restate the question.

What determines the shape of a shadow?

the way that you stand determines the shape of a shadow.

What is natural ground level?

what is the difference in between original ground level and natural ground level

What level does mismagius learn shadow ball?

It doesn't. You can teach it Shadow Ball with TM30, or have your Misdreavus level up to level 37 before evolving it.