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Q: A One Lane Bridge sign means that the bridge is only wide enough for one vehicle at a time?
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What does puente mean in English?

the word puente means bridge.

What does narrow bridge sign mean?

A Narrow Bridge sign means that the bridge ahead is only wide enough to accommodate two lanes of traffic with very little room [source: A_Narrow_Bridge_sign_means_that_the_bridge_ahead_is_only_wide_enough_to_accommodate_two_lanes_of_traffic_with_very_little_room]

A Narrow Bridge sign means that the bridge ahead is only wide enough to accommodate two lanes of traffic with very little room?


What does bridge H2O mean?

it means bridge water

Is Sydney harbor bridge the longest bridge?

No. Sydney Harbour Bridge is not the longest bridge, by any means. It is the largest steel arch bridge in the world, but it is not the longest.

What is a 10 letter word that means a kind of bridge hung from cables?

A suspension bridge is a kind of bridge hung from cables.

How would changes in temperature would affect a bridge?

Thermal expansion means that the length of the bridge changes.

What is Wheatstone's bridge?

The wheatstone bridge is an instrument used to measure electrical resistance by means of balancing a bridge circuit. The bridge circuit contains two legs, one of which contains the unknown resistance. Variations in wheatstone bridge can be employed to measure inductance, capacitance, and impedance also.

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What does the surname Aponte mean?

Ponte is the word for bridge in Italian. So, Aponte most likely means a bridge.

What does it mean when one end of the rainbow touches a bridge?

It means the end of the bridge is at a 42 degree angle from the sun.

What does watch for ice on bridge traffic sign mean?

Bridges freeze faster than roadways on land. Bridges also have more "black ice"-- ice you cannot SEE but is there. A sign "Ice on Bridge" means they know there is potential for bridges to have ice and that this bridge is prone to icing. It means SLOW DOWN; be prepared. It means to be cautious on a 2-lane 1-direction highway if you try to pass on a bridge--stay in your lane until you are off the bridge unless your vehicle is an obstacle to traffic flow or it is too unsafe for you to pull to the right lane.