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Q: A bag with a 2 percent solution is placed in a beaker that has a 10 percent solution is the solution in the bag hypotonic hypertonic or isotonic?
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Which has more salt in it a hypertonic isotonic or hypotonic solution?

Yes, for us. Most vertebral life has been set at .9 percent for about 250 million years, and sea water is about 3 percent. But there are many life forms that are isotonic with sea water (the invertebrates of the oceans).

Normal saline is 0.9 percent what would happen to the red blood cells of a patient who was teated with 0 percent saline what about 10 percent saline?

Normal Saline 0.9% is called an isotonic solution. A 0.0% saline solution is called a hypotonic solution. A solution of this concentration would cause water to diffuse into the red blood cells and cause them to burst open. A 10% saline solution is called a hypertonic solution. A solution of this concentration would cause water to diffuse out of the red blood cells, making them shrivel up and shrink.

If a cell with 95 percent water is placed into a solution of 10 percent salt what solution is the cell in?

If a cell containing 97% water was placed in a hypertonic solution of 10% salt and 90% water, then the cell would crenate. This occurs due to osmosis. The hypertonic solution will pull out the water which will cause the cell to shrink. It does this to reach equilibrium but equilibrium cannot be attained. The concentration of the hypertonic solution is too great for the cell or Isotonic so the permeable cell will give to the osmotic pressure being greater than turgor pressure; solute and waste will be removed from the cell causing it to shrink in size because the turgor pressure keeps the cell stable.

Is 0.8 percent saline solution hypotonic to the cytosol cell?

hypotonic water rushes towards

5 percent glucose solution is isotonic for red blood cell if red blood cell are kept in 2 percent glucose solution what will happen to the cells. what such a solution called?

2% glucose solution is considered as a hypotonic solution for that the solution will enter the semi-permeable membrane of the red blood cells causing the cells to explode or burst. Why? It's because RBCs have a higher concentration inside it than that of the 2% glucose solution so the solution will enter the cells.

Related questions

Is 0.90 percent mv glucose isotonic hypotonic or hypertonic?

No,5percent glucose is an isotonic solution. 0.9 percent is for NaCl.

Is 10 percent NaCl isotonic hypertonic or hypotpnic to red blood cells?

A hypotonic solution will be anything with less than 0.9% salt.

Is a 2 percent salt solution hypertonic or hypotonic to a 4 percent salt solution?

A 2% salt solution is hypotonic compared to a 4% salt solution because it has a lower concentration of salt. In osmosis, water flows from hypotonic to hypertonic solutions, so in this case, water would flow from the 2% solution to the 4% solution to try to equalize the concentrations.

Is 10 percent glucose solution hypertonic?

Yes, a 10 percent glucose solution is hypertonic because it has a higher solute concentration than the surrounding environment, leading to a net flow of water molecules into the solution, causing cells to shrink or crenate when exposed to it.

Is 2 percent NaCl hypotonic or hypertonoic?

This is a hypertonic solution.

Is D5W Isotonic or Hypertonic?

Normal Saline Solution in 5% Dextrose or D5NSS is a hypertonic solution. It can be used for the temporary treatment of shock if plasma expanders are not available. However, do not administer this IV for clients with cardiac or renal conditions.

Is 10 percent NaCl isotonic hypertonic or hypotonic to red blood cells?

A 10% NaCl solution is hypertonic to red blood cells. This means that the concentration of salt outside the cells is higher than inside, causing water to move out of the cells through osmosis, potentially leading to cell shrinkage.

Is 10 percent NaCl hypertonic or hypotonic to red blood cells?

A 10% NaCl solution is hypertonic to red blood cells. This means that the concentration of solutes outside the cells is higher than inside, causing water to move out of the cells, potentially leading to their shrinkage or dehydration.

Is 0.80 percent NaCl hypotonic or hypertonic?

A 0.80% NaCl solution would be considered isotonic, meaning it has the same concentration of solutes as inside the cell and would not cause water to move in or out of the cell.

Which has more salt in it a hypertonic isotonic or hypotonic solution?

Yes, for us. Most vertebral life has been set at .9 percent for about 250 million years, and sea water is about 3 percent. But there are many life forms that are isotonic with sea water (the invertebrates of the oceans).

Is normal saline with 20 percent kcl a hypertonic solution?

Yes this saline is a hypertonic solution but 3% saline is also not normal. There is nothing "normal" about it. There is only one "normal saline" and that is 0.9%.

Is 0.225 percent sodium chloride hypertonic or hypotonic?

0.9% sodium chloride is isotonic, thus 0.45 and 0.225 % sodium chloride solutions are hypotonic. osmolarity of 0.9% is 308 mOsm/L and 0.45 is 154 and 0.225 is 77 mOsm/L and body fluids have an osmolarity 250-300 mOsm/L.