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Q: Is a 2 percent salt solution hypertonic or hypotonic to a 4 percent salt solution?
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Why onion cells 5 percent salt solution hypertonic?

A cell is hypertonic when it has a greater concentration than its environment, but, when a solution is hypertonic, it has a greater concentration than the cell it is being compared to. For example, a 5% salt solution is hypertonic to an onion cell while the onion cell is hypotonic to the solution.The salt concentration of an onion cell must be less than 5% - actually its somewhere between 1.6 and 1.3 percent.This question should not be in genetics, but I don't feel like switching it.

Is salt water dilute or concentrated?

The word 'dilute' is an inexact term. Hypotonic (less solute) and hypertonic (more solute) and isotonic (the same amount) are relative terms. What they mean is that a solution will either have less, more, or the same concentration of a given solute than the reference substance. It is important in cells because a hypertonic solution (such as salt water) will try to pull free water out of the cell, where the concentration of salt is less. A hypotonic solution will cause water to soak into the cells. Either situation may be undesirable. For osmosis, water will flow across a semipermeable membrane in the direction of the pressure gradient. It will always flow from the hypotonic solution into the hypertonic solution. Plants absorb water by creating a hypertonic state inside the root.

Is a potato in salt water Hypertonic hypotonic or isotonic?

Hypertonic. This is because the water has a higher concentration of solutes than the potato.

What kind of solution occurs in your mouth when you eat something with salt?

hypertonic solution

Celery stalks that are immersed in fresh water for several hours become stiff and hard If left in a salt solution they become limp and soft From thsi you can deduce that thecells of the celery stalk?

hypotonic means dilute, hypertonic means concentrated. If celery becomes turgid in the fresh water then it is hypertonic to fresh water but hypotonic to sodium solution.

Related questions

Is 10 percent NaCl isotonic hypertonic or hypotpnic to red blood cells?

A hypotonic solution will be anything with less than 0.9% salt.

Does Water always moves from a hypertonic solution into a hypotonic one?

Water always follows the salt.

Is water isotonic hypotonic or hypertonic?

Hypertonic solution is one which has higher osmotic concentration and less solvent concentration as compared to another solution. Hypotonic solution is one that possesses lower osmotic concentration and higher solvent concentration as compared to another solution. Isotonic solution is a solution that has same concentration, osmotic as well as solvent, as that of another solution . Pure water is hypotonic but water having salt is isotonic. So,water may be either isotonic or hypotonic

Why onion cells 5 percent salt solution hypertonic?

A cell is hypertonic when it has a greater concentration than its environment, but, when a solution is hypertonic, it has a greater concentration than the cell it is being compared to. For example, a 5% salt solution is hypertonic to an onion cell while the onion cell is hypotonic to the solution.The salt concentration of an onion cell must be less than 5% - actually its somewhere between 1.6 and 1.3 percent.This question should not be in genetics, but I don't feel like switching it.

How salt effects water?

Since salt water is hypertonic to the plant cell, the water would move into the hypertonic solution (extracellular) and out of the hypotonic plant cell. The cells would lose water and it would die.

What are some examples for hypotonic solution and its components?

Hypotonic actually stems from the early British invention of Tonic Water. Hypo, meaning "low," describes a Tonic Water that would have been stored on the bottom shelf. These were typically known to be of a lesser quality than the top shelf tonics, or "hyper" tonics. Therefore, hypotonic simply describes a lower quality solution, versus hypertonic, which describes a higher quality solution.

Is salt water dilute or concentrated?

The word 'dilute' is an inexact term. Hypotonic (less solute) and hypertonic (more solute) and isotonic (the same amount) are relative terms. What they mean is that a solution will either have less, more, or the same concentration of a given solute than the reference substance. It is important in cells because a hypertonic solution (such as salt water) will try to pull free water out of the cell, where the concentration of salt is less. A hypotonic solution will cause water to soak into the cells. Either situation may be undesirable. For osmosis, water will flow across a semipermeable membrane in the direction of the pressure gradient. It will always flow from the hypotonic solution into the hypertonic solution. Plants absorb water by creating a hypertonic state inside the root.

When a solution has the same concentration of water molecules and solutes as a red blood cell it is considered an solution?

It is called an isotonic solution. If the salt concentration is higher, it is called hypertonic and if lower it is called hypotonic.

Is the cell below in a hypertonic or hypotonic?

Hypotonic means higher amount of h20 and hypertonic means a smaller amount of h20. If the cell was for example in saltwater and it isn't meant to live in salt water, the inside of the cell would be hypotonic and outside would be hypertonic

Which has more salt in it a hypertonic isotonic or hypotonic solution?

Yes, for us. Most vertebral life has been set at .9 percent for about 250 million years, and sea water is about 3 percent. But there are many life forms that are isotonic with sea water (the invertebrates of the oceans).

What is the similarities between hypertonic solution and hypotonic solution?

The only similarities are that these deal with solutions. If the cell is placed into a hypotonic solution, the amount of salt (or sugar) will be lower, and water will move into the cell, and it will swell. Water will move from a lower concentration of water to a higher to reach a balance. The opposite will be true for hypertonic solutions, the cell will lose water. They appear crenate or serrated.

What is mean by celery salt?

Saltwater (a hypertonic solution) with the celery cells (a hypotonic solution) causes a concentration gradient where the water from the celery will escape into the hypertonic solution, shrinking the celery in a process known as plasmolysis.