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absorbed by the shirt's pigment, preventing any light from being reflected or transmitted. This lack of light reflection or transmission causes the shirt to appear black to our eyes.

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Q: A black shirt appears black because all colors are?
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What colors do a black shirt absorb?

A black shirt absorbs all colors of light, which is why it appears black to our eyes. The pigments in the fabric absorb most of the light that hits it, reflecting very little back.

Why does a white shirt appear white?

A white shirt appears white because it reflects all of the visible wavelengths of light, giving it a neutral color perception to our eyes. This means that the shirt is not absorbing any specific colors and is instead bouncing all colors back to our eyes, resulting in the sensation of white.

Why does black shirt appears black?

A black shirt appears black because it absorbs most of the light that falls on it, reflecting very little back to our eyes. This lack of reflected light is perceived by our eyes as darkness, resulting in the shirt appearing black.

Why is a blue shirt blue?

A blue shirt appears blue because it absorbs most colors in the visible spectrum and reflects blue light back to our eyes. This happens because the dye or pigment used in the shirt absorbs all colors except blue, which is reflected back.

Which colors are absorbed by a white shirt?

A white shirt reflects all wavelengths of visible light, so it does not absorb any specific colors. Instead, it appears white because it reflects all colors equally.

What colors are absorbed by black shirt?

white and something else

What colors are reflected by a black shirt and a white shirt?

A black shirt reflects very little light, absorbing most of it and appearing black to the human eye. A white shirt reflects most of the light that hits it, appearing white.

What color would a white shirt appear to be if light reflected from the shirt passed through a red filter and then through a green filter?

If light reflected from a white shirt passed through a red filter and then a green filter, the shirt would appear black. This is because red and green filters would absorb most of the colors from the white light, leaving very little to pass through. White light contains all colors of the spectrum, so when most of it is absorbed by the filters, the resulting color appears black.

Why is a red shirt black when it is dark?

A shirt appears red because it reflects red wavelengths from light which falls on it. If it is dark then there is no incident light and so red light for the shirt to reflect to your eyes.

Is white light reflected through red shirt?

A red shirt appears red because it absorbs most colors of light and reflects red light back to our eyes. White light contains all colors of light, so when white light hits a red shirt, the shirt absorbs most colors and reflects red light, making it appear red.

What is reflected from a red shirt?

A red shirt reflects red light and absorbs other colors in the visible spectrum. This is because the shirt appears red to our eyes. The color we see is dependent on the wavelengths of light that are reflected back to our eyes.

Why is a yellow shirt yellow?

A yellow shirt appears yellow because it reflects yellow light waves and absorbs other colors present in the visible spectrum. This selective reflection process is detected by our eyes, which perceive the yellow wavelength and interpret it as the color yellow.