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Q: A bolded word inside an article could not represent?
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What could the chromosomes represent in a house?

Maybe the parents that maintain the house in good working order and directs the activities inside of it.

Could represent a complete citation for a magazine article with the following information?

Sure! Here is an example of a complete citation for a magazine article: Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of the Article." Name of the Magazine, vol. number, no. number, publication date, page range.

What could the bee represent?

It could represent pain because they sting you. :)

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There are a number of things that a fourth leaf could represent. In a plant this could represent luck for example.

What household item could represent nucleus?

a remote controler

Which of these equations could represent the relationship between m and n?

None of these could represent anything!

What do the flies represent in people of the Flies?

Jack could represent the pig's head, and the flies could represent Jack's followers, how they are practically "swarming" around him.

What could represent the anger in hatred you have deep down inside you I'm trying to add on to my sleeve and I want to get something that represents all the anger and hatred?

To represent anger and hatred that is buried deep down inside, there are number of tattoo designs you could use. One of the most creative designs is a 3-D tattoo that makes it look like a hairy beast (or even the Incredible Hulk) is ripping through your skin.

Can you represent your self in a divorce?

Yes. However, an attorney could represent your best interests better than you can.Yes. However, an attorney could represent your best interests better than you can.Yes. However, an attorney could represent your best interests better than you can.Yes. However, an attorney could represent your best interests better than you can.

What animal could represent the car company BMW?

One animal that could represent the car company BMW is the Eagle.

What is a type of article?

A type of article could be a news article, opinion piece, research article, or feature article. Each type serves a different purpose and conveys information in a specific way.

Why would you bold a cell entry in excel?

To emphasise it and make it stand out amongst other values in the spreadsheet. Main headings may be bolded or significant totals could be.