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Because H2S04 is sulphuric acid.

The acid has burnt the material.

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2w ago

Concentrated sulfuric acid is a strong oxidizing agent. It reacts with organic materials in cotton fabric, causing it to darken and degrade rapidly. The acid breaks down the fabric's chemical structure, leading to the formation of holes.

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Q: A boy accidentally splashes a few drops of concentrated H2SO4 on his cotton shirt.A few minutes latter the splashed parts blackened and holes appear.give the reason?
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if you splashed a strong base on your face how you get rid of it?

If you accidentally splash a strong base on your face, immediately rinse your face with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. This will help dilute and remove the base from your skin. Seek medical attention if irritation or burns occur.

Why is acid added to water and not water to acid?

Acid should always be added to water because the reaction between water and acid is exothermic, meaning it releases heat. Adding water to acid can cause the mixture to heat up rapidly, potentially splashing the acid out of the container and causing burns. Adding acid to water allows for better control and reduces the risk of an accident.

What is worse if splashed in eyes blood or urine?

Both blood and urine can carry harmful pathogens that can potentially cause infections if splashed into the eyes. It is important to immediately rinse the eyes with clean water if exposed to either substance and seek medical attention if irritation or symptoms persist.

Does liquid nitrogen stay on clothes My lab partner accidentally splashed some on my shirt and I was not sure if I needed to wash it or not?

Liquid nitrogen evaporates quickly at room temperature, so any residue left on your clothes should dissipate. However, if you want to be cautious, you can let the area air out for a short while before washing it to ensure all the liquid nitrogen has completely evaporated.

How do you use the word caustic in a sentence?

She made a caustic remark that left everyone feeling uncomfortable.

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How did Johnny Tremain meet Sam Adams?

When a washerwoman accidentally splashed dish water on him and brought him inside to dry him off and give him something to eat.

Does liquid nitrogen stay on clothes My lab partner accidentally splashed some on my shirt and I was not sure if I needed to wash it or not?

Liquid nitrogen evaporates quickly at room temperature, so any residue left on your clothes should dissipate. However, if you want to be cautious, you can let the area air out for a short while before washing it to ensure all the liquid nitrogen has completely evaporated.

Accidentally splashed in the eye with an acidic cleaning solution?

Rinse your eye with water for 15 minutes, preferably at an eye wash station. You need to hold your eye open while you are rinsing it.

What is the root word for splashed?

The root word for "splashed" is "splash."

Can you give me a sentence with splash in it?

Sentence with the word splashed in it:We kicked and splashed in the pool.

How do you make sentences with a word splashed?

The victim has splashed some sort of acid on his hands and forearms.

How do you use Asyndeton in a sentence?

They dove, splashed, floated, splashed, swam, snorted. Ur welcome X)

What is a liquid splashed about?


What is 4d in the movies?

4D is like a 3D but it's like you're in the movie.. for example, there's a water that's gonna sprinkle by the character and then the water accidentally splashed unto you, you can feel the water but if you're goin' to wipe your face, there's nothing.

What protection is needed when handeling muractic acid?

It would be wise to wear rubber groves and apron as well as eye protection, a supply of fresh water should also be on hand for washing any parts of the body that may accidentally have been splashed with acid.

What are the release dates for Rolf - 2012 Splashed 1-3?

Rolf - 2012 Splashed 1-3 was released on: USA: 14 June 2012

What are the ratings and certificates for Rolf - 2012 Splashed 1-3?

Rolf - 2012 Splashed 1-3 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-G