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*Cell Division*

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Q: A broken bone heals through the process of?
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What heals a broken bone?

a cast

Which heals faster a broken ankle bone or a sprained ankle?

A broken bone heals alot faster than a ankle sprain.

What makes the bone scar?

having a broken bone when it heals it causes scarring

How does a metal plate heal a broken bone?

It does not. It supports a damaged structure until the bone heals.

Swelling of broken leg?

Broken legs will generally have swelling due to how the bone heals and repairs itself.

When a broken bone heals does a crepitus form around the area of the break?


How do casts works?

the hard covering/plaster protects the broken bone as it heals

Does a broken bone heal through the process called cell division?


What problem causes using marijuana a broken bone patient?

It slows the healing process of the broken bone. When the smoke is inhaled through the lungs it attacthes itself to your red blood cells and limits oxygen flow to your broken bone area.

Can a person break a heel?

Your heel is a bone called the calcaneous, and bones can certainly be broken. If you feel you have broken or cracked a bone, have your doctor X-ray it to be certain. They can give you a cast that you can walk on until the bone heals.

Can you easily rebreak a bone that has already been broken?

yes you can, but it would take more force to break the healed bone a second time because when bone heals, the new bone is stronger.

What is the cavicle?

It is the same as the collar bone. It runs between the sternum (chest bone) and humerus (arm bone) It doesn't have a strict articulation with the arm, but is held by ligaments. Easily broken but heals readily.