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Centripetal force is provided by weight minus reaction equals centripetal force. It is towards the center of the Bowling ball. When the bug is sliding down it will reach a point at which there is no force acting towards the center of the ball and the weight is acting vertically.

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2w ago

The bug slides down the bowling ball because the waxed surface reduces friction between the bug's feet and the ball. This lack of friction causes the bug to slip and slide down due to gravity.

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Q: A bug sits on the very top of a freshly waxed bowling ball it loses its footing and slides freely down the side of the ball explain why the buy wi?
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A bug sits on the very top of a freshly waxed bowling ball It loses its footing and slides freely down the side of the ball Why does the bug leave the surface before falling halfway down the ball?

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it'll be "more freely"

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The definition of the word freely is to not be controlled by another. The word freely could also mean for something to be done loosely. Freely would mean loosely if John was typing freely.

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