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To answer this ,let us suppose that the man catch the bus in 't' sec.

Then the distance travelled by the man = (10 x t) meters

and that travelled by bus = (10t - 48) meters

Now,S = ut + 1/2 at2

(10t - 48) = 0 x t + 1/2x 1 x t2

or t2 - 20t + 96 = 0

or t2 - 12t - 8t + 96 = 0

or t(t - 12) - 8(t-12) = 0

or (t- 8) (t-12) = 0

Therefore, t = 8 seconds or t = 12 seconds

The man will catch the bus after 8 seconds..

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2w ago

To find the time it takes for the man to catch the bus, we need to determine when the distance between them is zero. We can use the equation: distance_man = distance_bus + velocity_bus * time + 0.5 * acceleration_bus * time^2. Solving for time gives us approximately 12 seconds.

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Q: A bus is beginning to move with an acceleration of 1 meter per sec a man who is 48 m behind the bus starts running at 10 meter per sec After what time will he be able to catch the bus?
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How is acceleration involved in running?

Acceleration is involved in running as it refers to the rate at which a runner increases their speed over time. When a runner starts a race, they accelerate to reach their maximum speed. Acceleration is also important when a runner needs to change their speed or direction quickly during a race.

If a body starts from rest what can be said about the acceleration of body?

If a body starts from rest, it means its initial velocity is zero. In this case, if the body is in motion, it has undergone acceleration to reach that velocity. Therefore, the acceleration of the body must be non-zero, indicating a change in velocity over time.

If an object starts to accelerate what is it called?

If an object starts to accelerate, it is called gaining speed or increasing its velocity. Acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity changes over time.

A ball starts at rest accelerates uniformly and travels 250m in 5 seconds What is the final velocity and the acceleration of the ball?

The final velocity can be calculated using the formula final velocity = initial velocity + (acceleration * time). Since the ball starts at rest, the initial velocity is 0. The final velocity = 0 + (acceleration * 5). To find the acceleration, you can use the formula acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. The final velocity is unknown, but we just calculated the final velocity is equal to 5 times the acceleration, so acceleration = (final velocity - 0) / 5. Substituting the final velocity = 5 times the acceleration into the acceleration equation, we get acceleration = (5 * acceleration - 0)/5. Solving for acceleration, we get acceleration = 1 m/s^2. The final velocity is 5 m/s.

In a grocery store you push a 12.3kg shopping cart with a force of 10.1N. If the cart starts at rest how far does it move in 2.5s (assuming no friction from the floor. Hint calculate the acceleration?

First, calculate the acceleration using the formula acceleration = net force / mass. Plug in the values to get acceleration. Next, use the kinematic equation, displacement = (initial velocity * time) + (0.5 * acceleration * time^2), where initial velocity is 0 since the cart starts at rest. Plug in the calculated acceleration and time to find the displacement of the shopping cart.

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