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So that they can travel long distances without the need to stop for food. After all, in the desert food is scarce.
There is fat in a camels hump because it sustains the camel during times when food is scarce.

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7y ago

The hump(s) consist of fat. It's maily used as a reserve, to let Camels go a long time between feeding. The fat CAN be turned into water, but it's an inefficient process.

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Q: A camel can store fat and water in the hump?
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Does camel store water in hump or?

Camels do not store water in their hump. Instead, they store fat. However, they can break down the fat to release water, which their bodies can use.

What is a camel hump?

The camel hump is the round structure you see on its back. It is use to store fat not water.

What is inside a camel's hump?

water ----------- Contrary to legend it is not water but fat.

What does a camel's hump store?

Their hump/humps are used to store fat, so that when the time of need comes, can be converted to 'metabolic water'

The hump of the camel helps to store?


What would the shrunken hump on a dromedary tell you about the animal?

Camels store water in their humps so a camel with a shrunken hump needs water.

Does humps on a camel store water?

No. Camels do not store water in their hump. The hump is used to store fat.

Why does a camel have a hump?

To provide as a source of FAT storage

How long can a camel store water in it's humps?

Camels do not store any water in their humps. The hump is a reserve of excess fat for energy.

Do people drink water from camel's hump?

No, the hump is composed of fat and not water.

A camel can take water in what part of his body?

The hump carries water and the camel can take water from it anytme. Actually, the camel's hump stores fat and not water.

Is the hump special to a camel?

Contrary to popular belief, a camel's hump DOES NOT hold water! It actually holds fat the camel can use for water.