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Are they travelling on the same road? In the same direction? Which car is in front? How far apart were they to start with? Is the driver in the faster car blind?

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Q: A car traveling 30 miles per hour and another car traveling 41 miles per hour how long before the car rear ends the other car?
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Wo trains leave the station at the same time going in opposite directions One of the trains travels at 90 mph and the other is traveling at 120 mph After how many hours will they be 735 miles apart?

Going in opposite directions, they separate at the rate of (90 + 120) = 210 miles per hour.They are 735 miles apart after (735/210) = 3.5 hours.

Two people running pass each other they continue in opposite directions the first person runs 6 mph the other one is running 10 mph how many minutes will pass before they are 2 miles apart?

7 mins 30 sec. Their combined speeds are 16mph, this is their relative speed to each other. After an hour they will be 16 miles apart. After half an hour 8 miles apart, after 15 minutes 4 miles apart and after 7 mins and 30 seconds they will be 2 miles apart. 7.5 minutes ~ Dawn Ayers

How far did the car travel before stopping after traveling 21 ms with a deer in the 90 meters away?

We are not told if the car just reaches the deer, or gets to some other distance before or past the deer. If it just reaches the deer, it traveled 90 metres of course. From the information supplied it doesn't matter where the deer was.

If Jim paddles from one shore of a lake 3 miles wide at 4 mph and John paddles from the opposite shore at 5 mph how long will they travel before they meet?

The answer is 20 minutes or 1/3 of an hour.There is a very easy way to think about this type of problem. Instead of imagining two people paddling towards each other and meeting in the middle, imagine one person paddling all the way across the lake. Because they are traveling until they meet, no more and no less, together John and Jim will have covered exactly the entire distance of the lake. Because one is traveling at 4 mph and the other at five, they are covering distance at an combined speed of 9 mph. Now, the problem is simply finding out how long it takes to travel 3 miles at 9 mph. The equation looks like this:(1 hour/ 9 miles) * 3 miles = (3/9) hours = (1/3) hours = 20 minutesThe standard equation for this type of word problem is speed x time = distance.Here, the total distance is given (3 miles) and both Jim and John are paddling for the same length of time (T) until they meet.4 mph x T (hours) = Jim's distance (miles)5 mph x T (hours) = John's distance (miles)4T + 5T = 39T = 3T = 1/3 hourand 1/3 hour times 60 minutes/hour = 20 minutes

Is 649 miles in 11 hours faster than 442 miles in 8.5 hours?

Yes it is. It is 59 miles per hour, while the other is 52 miles per hour.

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Two cars leave the gas station in opposite directions one is traveling 50miles per hour and the other is traveling 45miles per hour how many hours will they be 380 miles apart?

If they are traveling in opposite directions, then they are traveling away from each other at a speed of 95 miles per hour. 380/95=4 They have been traveling for four hours.

If aTrain leaves Chicago to Cleveland traveling 60 miles an hour and train leaves Cleveland to Chicago traveling 40 miles per hour how far apart are trains 1 hour before they pass each other?

Very interesting ! It makes no difference where either one started from, or evenwhether they both started out at the same time. The only thing that matters istheir speeds.If one travels at 60 mph and the other at 40 mph, then they close the distancebetween them at 100 mph.One hour before they meet, they are 100 miles apart.I hope they are on different tracks.

At 11am two trucks start traveling toward each other at average rates of 45 and 53 mph At the beginning of their trip they were 588 miles apart What time hour will it be when they pass each other?

It will be 5 p.m. They will meet after they were traveling for 6 hours. After one did 270 miles (45 x 6 = 270), and the other did 318 miles (53 x 6 = 318). (270 + 318 = 588 miles)

How far in time is 735 miles?

Time and distance are measures of two entirely different things. For example, it would take a car traveling at 60 miles per hour 12 hours and 15 minutes to travel 735 miles. On the other hand light traveling through a vacuum would only take 0.0039456 seconds to travel 735 miles.

Which bird migrates farther than any other bird?

The arctic tern, sometimes traveling up to 12,000 miles in one direction.

How fast are you traveling to go a 100 miles in 15 minutes?

You're traveling at a speed of 100 miles per 15 minutes. Converted into other units with which you may be more comfortable, that speed is the same as: -- 586 and 2/3 feet per second -- 1,075,200 furlongs per fortnight -- 15,449.7 kilometers per day -- 400 miles per hour

How many miles is it from so cal to north cal?

um, it could be any number of miles depending on where in Southern California and Northern California you're traveling from.... Technically, so & no cal touch each other, so 0 miles.

How many hours is 316 miles?

Depends on the average speed you are traveling. Hours and miles measure completely different things (time vs. distance) so they cannot be converted from one to the other.

What year did the yellow fever end?

It still exists in tropical areas. The vaccine is required before traveling to Africa and other areas.

What health and safety risks are needed before traveling to the amazon?

well you must not have rabies other wise i will break your neck at the airport

Was little Richard ever in a band?

Yes. Before he went solo he was in a traveling band which had in it, among other people, Jimi Hendrix.

Two cyclists start from the same point at the same time and move in opposite directions One cyclist is traveling at 7 mph and the other cyclist is traveling at 8 mph After 120 min how many miles apart?

Multiply it out, one at a time. The first cyclist at 7 MPH... well, 120 minutes is 2 hours (120 minutes divided by 60 minutes in an hour)... so after 2 hours they would have gone 14 miles. The other is going 8 MPH for 120 minutes, so using the same math they would have gone 16 miles. Take 14 miles plus 16 miles = 30 miles. So your answer is 30 miles.