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mitosis or meiosis

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Q: A cell splits into two daughter cells during?
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A cell splits into two daughter cells during telophase?

Yes, but not during meiosis of an egg cell since all of the cytoplasm goes into one of the daughter cells.

What is the other term of parent cell?

When a cell undergoes cell division, it splits to produce two new cells. These new cells are called daughter cells. The original cell which splits to produce the daughter cells is known as the parent cell.

What are the two new cells that are duplicated from DNA during mitosis called?

the two new cells are called daughter cells.

The process in which a parent cell splits to create two new daughter cells?

Cell division

Identical cells formed during cell division?

Identical cells formed during cell division are referred to as daughter cells. These daughter cells are produced through the process of mitosis, where a parent cell divides to create two genetically identical offspring cells. This ensures that the genetic material of the parent cell is accurately replicated and passed on to the next generation of cells.

Will any offspring of a yeast cell be genetically different from the parents cell?

No, yeast cells should be the same not genetically different. They use asexual reproduction. Yeast cells use budding, where a cell will grow a bud, a daughter cell and it splits in two. The bud or daughter cell splits off.

Single cells spilt into 2 cells what process is this?

Cytokenesis is the process by which a single cell splits in to two "daughter" cells.

How many haploid cells come from one diploid?

If you are asking about cellular meiosis, one diploid parent cell will ultimately form four haploid daughter cells. The parent cell replicates all of its DNA, splits into two intermediate daughter cells that are diploid, and each of these intermediate daughter cells splits to form two more daughter cells. The end result is four haploid cells.

What is the process of cell reproduction where cell splits into two daughter cells.?

Cell division. Note: It is NOT mitosis since mitosis refers to the division of the nuclei, and not the cells.

During mitosis if a parent cell has five chromosomes how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have?

The daughter cell will have five (5). The parent cell replicates its DNA in a stage of mitosis called Interphase before it splits, into two new daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes.

What are daughter cell?

Daughter cells are a part of mitosis (asexual cell division). They are formed in Telophase when the cell plate forms and creates two separate cells called daughter cells. In mitosis, each daughter cell is identical to the "mother cell" (original cell).

what process reduces the chromosome number of a cell by half?

Well, meiosis splits a cell into two daughter half-cells.