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Q: A chronic bone disease that is characterized by the abnormal breakdown of bone followed by abnormal bone formation is known as?
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What happended in the roman empire in 44 bc?

In 44 BC Rome lost its last dictator. Julius Caesar was assassinated and civil turmoil followed, ultimately resulting in the formation of the second triumvirate.In 44 BC Rome lost its last dictator. Julius Caesar was assassinated and civil turmoil followed, ultimately resulting in the formation of the second triumvirate.In 44 BC Rome lost its last dictator. Julius Caesar was assassinated and civil turmoil followed, ultimately resulting in the formation of the second triumvirate.In 44 BC Rome lost its last dictator. Julius Caesar was assassinated and civil turmoil followed, ultimately resulting in the formation of the second triumvirate.In 44 BC Rome lost its last dictator. Julius Caesar was assassinated and civil turmoil followed, ultimately resulting in the formation of the second triumvirate.In 44 BC Rome lost its last dictator. Julius Caesar was assassinated and civil turmoil followed, ultimately resulting in the formation of the second triumvirate.In 44 BC Rome lost its last dictator. Julius Caesar was assassinated and civil turmoil followed, ultimately resulting in the formation of the second triumvirate.In 44 BC Rome lost its last dictator. Julius Caesar was assassinated and civil turmoil followed, ultimately resulting in the formation of the second triumvirate.In 44 BC Rome lost its last dictator. Julius Caesar was assassinated and civil turmoil followed, ultimately resulting in the formation of the second triumvirate.

What adaptation allowed plants to live successfully on land?

Development of vascular tissue followed by seed formation.

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Where is the rule of law not followed?

The rule of law is generally not followed in places where the system of government has broken down. States like Somalia, where there is no effective government, are characterized by a complete break down of the rule of law.