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Doline or Shakehole - the names given to the resulting depression if the collapse extends to the surface.

Within the cave a collapse is often simply called that - "collapse", the result being a pile of boulders that may fill the passage completely, forming a boulder choke. (also boulder ruckle in the UK at least - possibly cavers' regional dialect.)

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10y ago

Doline. +++ That's the surface expression, a hollow in the land if the collapse extends to the surface. Also Shakehole. Underground the result of such a collapse is usually a heap of boulders that may choke the passage completely.

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Q: A collapsed cave ceiling is called what?
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What are collapsed caves called?

Erosion of the walls supporting the cave ceiling create an increase in the amount of overlying rock being supported. At some point, the weight becomes too great, and the ceiling collapses.

When the ceiling of a cave collapses what is formed?

It is a sink hole if it reaches the surface.

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Yes, stalactites do grow toward the cave ceiling. Stalactites form when mineral-rich water drips from the ceiling of a cave and leaves behind deposits of minerals over time. As each droplet of water evaporates, it leaves behind a small amount of mineral deposit, causing the stalactite to gradually grow downward from the ceiling.

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what does it mean when someone says stalactites stem from the ceiling of a cave

What are the icicle-like projections that hang from a cave ceiling called?

Its called a Stalactite---The icicle-like things that hang from the ceiling of a cave are called "stalactites" whilst the ones that are directly under them and go up from the ground are called "stalagmites". The easy way to remember the difference is that "stalactites" hang TIGHT (tite) to the ceiling and "stalagmites" are MIGHTy sturdy on the ground. I realize it sounds corny but it makes you remember.- Lightning_Po

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It's a stalactite that hangs from the ceiling.

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What hangs from a ceiling of a cave?

Stalactites hang from the ceiling of a cave. These mineral formations are created by dripping water depositing minerals over time, gradually forming icicle-like structures that hang from the cave roof.

How was the blue hole in Belize formed?

it's a cave that collapsed !

What are those icicle-like projections that go upwards in a cave called?

The rock formations that look like icicles from the ceiling are called stalactites. The ones from the floor are called stalagmites.