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"A convex mirror is sometimes referred to as a divergingmirror due to the fact that incident light originating from the same point and will reflect off the mirror surface and diverge."

So, a convex mirror will reflect and diverge (scatter) the incident light rays (it produces a virtual image), while a convex lens will do the opposite. It will converge light rays passing through it.

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A convex mirror will make light rays more divergent, causing them to spread out. This results in a virtual image that is upright and smaller than the object.

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A convex mirror will make light rays more divergent or less?

A convex mirror will make light rays more divergent. This is because when light rays strike a convex mirror, they will reflect outwards in different directions, causing them to spread out or diverge.

Is a convex lens more like a convex mirror or a concave mirror in the way it produces images?

A convex lens is more like a concave mirror in the way it produces images. A convex lens converges light rays to form real or virtual images, much like how a concave mirror can do the same by reflecting light. Both convex lenses and concave mirrors can produce both real and virtual images depending on the object's position relative to the lens or mirror.

Does a flashlight use a concave mirror or convex mirror?

A flashlight typically uses a concave mirror to focus and direct light forward. The concave shape allows the mirror to gather and reflect light beams in a more concentrated and directional manner.

Compare the image seen in a plane mirror with the image seen in a convex mirror.?

An image in a plane mirror is upright and the same size as the object, while in a convex mirror the image is smaller, upright, and virtual. Convex mirrors also have a wider field of view and make objects appear farther away than they actually are.

Does a driving mirror use a concave mirror or convex mirror?

A driving mirror typically uses a convex mirror. Convex mirrors are used because they provide a wider field of view, allowing drivers to see more of their surroundings. This helps with detecting objects in blind spots and improving overall safety while driving.

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A convex mirror will make light rays more divergent or less?

A convex mirror will make light rays more divergent. This is because when light rays strike a convex mirror, they will reflect outwards in different directions, causing them to spread out or diverge.

A convex mirror will make light rays more?


Is a convex lens more like a convex mirror or a concave mirror in the way it produces images?

A convex lens is more like a concave mirror in the way it produces images. A convex lens converges light rays to form real or virtual images, much like how a concave mirror can do the same by reflecting light. Both convex lenses and concave mirrors can produce both real and virtual images depending on the object's position relative to the lens or mirror.

What are the two kind of mirror in compound microscope?

Convex - which is the flat or the plain mirror and it has the lesser lights to receivebut its has the more light intensity.Concave - which is the curve mirror where the lights to receive is more than the convexbut it has the less light intensity.

Why convex mirror is preferred as driver's mirror?

Convex mirrors provide a wider field of view, which allows drivers to see more of the road behind them. The curvature of the mirror also helps to reduce blind spots, making it easier to spot vehicles approaching from the side. Additionally, convex mirrors show objects as smaller than they actually are, which can help drivers judge distances more accurately.

Where would you stand if you wanted to see an upside down reflection of yourself in a convex mirror?

To see an upside-down reflection of yourself in a convex mirror, you would need to stand closer to the mirror within the focal point. The image formed in a convex mirror is always virtual, upright, and smaller in size compared to the object.

The difference between lens and mirror?

A lens is a piece of transparent material that bends light to focus or spread it, producing an image. A mirror, on the other hand, reflects light without bending it, creating a reflection of an object. Lenses are used in cameras, microscopes, and eyeglasses, while mirrors are commonly found in telescopes, periscopes, and makeup mirrors.

How do convex mirrors use light?

Convex mirrors reflect light in a way that diverges the light rays, making the reflected image appear smaller and upright compared to the original object. This type of mirror is commonly used for safety purposes, such as in cars and hallways, as it provides a wider field of view.

What would be more affected underwater a convex mirror or a concave lens?

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You wont more uses of concave and convex mirror as well as of curved mirror?

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What is the difference between concave mirror and convex mirror?

A concave mirror converges light rays to a focal point, forming real or virtual images depending on the object's position relative to the mirror. On the other hand, a convex mirror diverges light rays and creates only virtual, upright, and diminished images. Concave mirrors are commonly used in reflecting telescopes, while convex mirrors are often found in car side mirrors for a wider field of view.

Why do we look further away in convex mirrors then in a normal mirror?

Convex mirrors have a wider field of view due to their outward curve, which causes objects to appear smaller and further away than they actually are. This distortion helps drivers see more of their surroundings when using side-view mirrors.