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One member of the couple underwent nondisjunction in gamete production.

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Q: A couple has a child with Down syndrome when the mother is 39 years old at the time of delivery Which is the most probable cause?
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if you were born and your mother or father had William syndrome, you can inherit the syndrome or disease.

What is the syndrome that babys get from there mother drinking while in the fetus?

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When do you have a Mother's Day party?

Either a couple of days before Mother's Day or a couple of days after Mother's Day.

In Jacob syndrome did the nondisjunction occur in the mother or father?

Jacob syndrome, 49XYY, has to occur as a result of nondisjunction in the father. The Jacob Syndrome male would have received the X chromosome from his mother, and both Y chromosomes from the father (since the Y chromosomes can not possibly have come from the mother). Jacob Syndrome can be the result of nondisjunction in meiosis.

If you have Antiphospholipid Syndrome and you are wanting to use a surrogate mother can you pass it on to the surrogate mother?

No, you cannot pass Antiphospholipid syndrome to a surrogate mother who is carrying your baby. You can pass it onto your unborn baby though.

What is the term for a mother who deliberately makes her child ill so that the mother can feel needed?

Munchausen syndrome/Munchausen by proxy Munchausen syndrome/Munchausen by proxy

What is left inside the mother after deliver and what happens to it?

the placenta is taken out of the mother after delivery of her baby

Does drake have down syndrome?

Yes, Also your mother does.

Can Stevens Johnson syndrome be passed from mother to child during pregnancy?

A mother cannot pass Steven's Johnson syndrome to her child during labor. Though the medication she is taking can be passed on to her child, and certain medications can cause Steven's Johnson syndrome.

Is Edwards syndrome more common in certain populations?

The chance of having a baby with Edwards' syndrome increases with the mother's age.

What is it when a mother thinks her child is always sick?

Münchausen syndrome by proxy and you can read more about it in the link below.Munchhausen by proxy syndrome

What is c-section delivery?

A C-section is the surgical delivery of a baby (or babies) through an incision in the mother's abdomen.