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Q: A crazy law in Charleston South Carolina requires all horses that pull carriages to do what?
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Related questions

What did people use before cars?

Before cars there were carriages pulled by horses. Before cars there were carriages pulled by horses. Before cars there were carriages pulled by horses.

Are Horses that pull Carriages healthy?

Usually yes. There are laws that monitor the health and welness of horses that pull carriages.

How did people get around in South Carolina in the 1900s?

In the early part of the century, people still used horses and carriages, but once the car was invented, they used those.

What transport was there in the 1900s in England?

Horses cart carriages

Which sentence describes an example of situational irony in gulliver’s travels?

Instead of horses pulling carriages full of people, people pull carriages full of horses. (APEX) !/

In the 1600's what did they use to transportation?

Carriages, horses, and by foot.

What was used as transport in 1700s-1900s?

mainly horses and carriages.

Why were the first cars called horse carriages?

They weren't. Horse carriages were the ones that were pulled by horses. HorseLESS carriages was the nickname of the first automobile because they moved without horses pulling them.

What was the transportation during french revolution?

Wooden Carriages that were drawn on foot for the poor, and for the rich there were metal carriages drawn by 2 horses.

What was the transportation during french-revolution?

Wooden Carriages that were drawn on foot for the poor, and for the rich there were metal carriages drawn by 2 horses.

Was horses used for transportation before carriages?

yes, also camels.

What was the Transport like in the 1840s plus?

There were steamboats, carriages, trains, and horses.