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Q: A diagnostic procedure that involves removal of a small tissue sample for study is called aAN?
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A diagnostic procedure that involves removal of a small tissue sample for study is called

Which procedure involves the surgical removal of an entire breast and many of the surrounding tissues?

The procedure that involves the removal of an entire breast and the surrounding tissues is called a radical mastectomy. This procedure is performed surgically and usually takes some time to do.

What is the diagnostic procedure that allows for the visualization of the urinary bladder?

This procedure would be called a cystoscopy.

What is procedure that involves making measurements and observations?

This procedure is called a experiment.

What does the typical surgery for spinal stenosis entail?

Surgery to relieve the pain from spinal stenosis will not actually cure the stenosis. The surgery helps to relieve pressure from the lumbar spine in a procedure called a decompressive laminectomy. The procedure essentially involves removal of the root of the vertebrae to allow the nerves more space. In some cases, the surgery involves the fusing of the vertebrae or disc removal. However, this does not occur in all cases. It depends on the diagnosis.

What is the removal of a plug of skin for examination called?

The removal of a plug of skin for examination is called a punch biopsy. This procedure is used by medical professionals to test for diseases.

The surgical procedure of removing an ear bone?

To remove something is called an "-ectomy" (out + cut + procedure = excision). Ossiculectomy: removal of all the ossicles/little bones Malleoectomy: removal of the malleus/hammer Incudectomy: removal of the incus/anvil Stapedectomy: removal of the stapes/stirrup

Is there safe eyelid surgery to fix drooping eyelids?

There is a surgical procedure called Blepharoplasty that can correct droopy eyelids. It involves removal of excessive skin, muscle and fat. It is a fairly safe procedure and recommended for those who are having vision problems due to the drooping eyelids. As with any surgery, there are always risks.

What type of phargyngectomy is laryngopharyngectomy?

The procedure may also involve removal of the larynx, in which case it is called a laryngopharyngectomy

What is the anatomic procedure known as neurolysis?

Another anatomic procedure is neurolysis, also called a nerve block, which involves destroying a portion of a peripheral nerve.

What would be the procedure used for tattoo laser removal?

Unwanted tattoos are removed using a procedure called Laser Tattoo Removal (LTR). This method works by breaking up the pigment of colours by using a high intensity beam. Each tattoo removal method is tailored to the type of tattoo.

What is a diagnostic medical sonography job?

Ultrasonography, commonly called sonography, is a diagnostic medical procedure that uses high frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to produce dynamic visual images of organs, tissues, or blood flow inside the body. This type of procedure is often referred to as a sonogram or ultrasound scan.