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no, because rats produce sexually, so the chromosomes will be different from the mother and fater, thus making a new life form.

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Q: A different female laboratory rat gave birth to several babies after being fertilized with sperm will the babies be genetically identical to the mother?
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A different female laboratory rat gave bith to several babies after being fertilized with sperm exlpain why these babies will not be genetically identical to the mother?

Because their father is a Ni99er

What do you call identical twins that develop from two different eggs that are fertilized by different sperm?

That isn't possible: if the twins are from two different eggs, fertilized by different sperm, then they will not be identical. It's genetically impossible.

How are identical twins genetically from fraternal twins?

Identical twins are genetically the same, because they come from the same fertilized egg/sperm cell zygote, which happens to split into two viable zygotes. Fraternal twins, however, come from two different egg/sperm cell zygotes, that are concurrently fertilized and remain viable.

Why can fraternal twins be different genders but identical twins are are the same gender?

Identical Twins are the result of a single fertilized egg spliting in two producing two genetically identical children. Fraternal twins are the result of the mother producing two eggs each fertilized by a different sperm from the father. This can result in opposite sex twins.

What is the difference between dizygotic twins and monozygotic twins?

Dizygotic twins, also known as fraternal twins, develop from two separate eggs fertilized by two different sperm. Monozygotic twins, also known as identical twins, develop from a single fertilized egg that splits into two embryos. Dizygotic twins are no more genetically similar than any other siblings, whereas monozygotic twins share the same genetic makeup.

Are horses and dogs genetically identical?

No. they are not. If they were, they could interbred.No, these are quite different genetically.

Are mitotic cells genetically different or identical?


Can people be genetically identical?

No, even twins are not genetically identical.

Why are puppies in a litter different?

Because they are not identical to one another genetically, so they will be different.

Why is the offspring not identical to parent in asexual reproduction?

The offspring is not identical to parent in sexual reproduction because sexual reproduction produces an offspring that is genetically different from the parents. ---- The answer above is actually incorrect. The offspring is identical genetically to the parent because mitosis produces cells genetically identical to the parent cell or cells. But the offspring itself is not identical.

What does Daughter cells produced when cells undergo mitosis are genetically?

2 daughter cells with the same genotype. (However, mitotic crossing over is not unheard of, in which case the 2 cells will not be genetically identical. )

Do identical twins develop from two different eggs that are fertilized by different sperm?

No, fraternal twins do.