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no, it is highly unlikely. With the latest measures and scientific equipment. It is very rare.

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Q: A disease as devastating as the plague could spread today why or why not?
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Could you get the black plague by breathing by someone who already had it?

Yes, you could get the Black Plague by breathing near someone who already had the plague. The plague was transmitted through the spread of droplets in the air when a person coughed or sneezed. If you breathed those droplets, you could get the plague.

How were the bodys deposed of during the black plague?

They were thrown in large pits dug in the ground, so that they could get rid of the bodies as fast as possible, trying to spread the disease more than what it already was.

How do kitchen clothes help spread disease?

Kitchen clothes could spread disease if we don't wash or keep it clean.

What are your risk factors to the black plague?

Age has no bearing on the disease at all. Anyone could get the Plague.

What actually caused the black death?

Bubonic Plague - was spread by the fleas who lived on plague-infected rats, and such rats were ubiquitous on trading ships. But the people of that time believed that the plague was a punishment from god too punish the wicked and the good people would be saved by god.Pneumonic Plague - could spread with a sneeze and jump from person to person with terrifying speed.Septicemic Plague - spread through contact with open sores

What experiment did P.L. Simond perform?

P.L. Simond conducted an experiment in 1898 to study the transmission of bubonic plague by fleas. He demonstrated that fleas could act as vectors for the transmission of the plague bacterium Yersinia pestis from rats to humans. This experiment was instrumental in establishing the role of fleas in the spread of the disease.

What are the cures for the plague?

The small number of cases of plague that occur today are treated with antibiotics.There was no cure for it the only treatment was for them to be quarentined so they could stop the spread.

Did the the Industrial Revolution spread the Black Plague?

Black Death or The Black Plague was spread by fleas that were on rats. The Industrial Revolution could be the cause of its rapid spreading, but the cause is actually disputed by many scientists and historians. Many think it spread just because of how contagious it was.

How was plague called black death spread?

Bubonic Plague or Black Plague started in Europe around 1347. It was a terrible disease that was carried out with black rats and fleas. This terrible disease was affected the Medieval society. It was a terrible because so many peasants died and that nobody was left to farm the land and do the daily work.The Plague (or called "Black Death") was an epidemic that struck Europe. People from China and Mongolia came with infected fleas carried by rats going aboard ships and that were transported to Italy, Greece and France; when the ships docked, the rats left the ships entering cities bringing the fleas and disease with them. In 1348 the virus, known as the Yersinia pestisbacterium and until 1351 the bacterium had killed 1/3 of Europe. Leaving fewer farmers and other people that held jobs that were important to the economy. The Europeans blamed the Jews for the plague by poisoning the water but it really was caused by flea bites. Other break outs occurred between 1451-1721.Plague is still around today in small numbers and is treated with antibiotics.

How could the spread of disease affect the a Anzacs?

if the appendix burst haha

What suggestion can you give to prevent outbreaks of infectious disease?

Kill anything that could be host to the disease. Without hosts, the disease will not spread.

How did urban conditions contributed to the spread of the black death?

i guess you could say it might but it was a communicable disease meaning that it is spread easily from one another, so bad hygiene didnt really contribute to the black death, that was the midevil people's hypothesis as to what they thought MIGHT be sspreading the black plague.