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Do they like latino guys?

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Q: A ellos les gustan los nombres Latinos?
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What does Numbers mean in french?

les nombres - les chiffres

How do you say the numbers in France?

Les nombres.

How do you write numbers in French?

les nombres

What is the English translation of their name?

Les nombres.

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What is premier number in french?

les nombres premiers, les chiffres premiers. les nombres premiers ne peuvent être divisés que par un et par eux-mêmes

How do you say the roman numbers in french?

les nombres romains

What is numbers in french?

les nombres (math), les numéros (telephone, street address)

Porque los Latinos le gusta vivir en la Florida?

I assume you mean "Why do latinos like to live in Florida." That would be "¿Por qué los latinos les gustan vivir en Florida?" Be careful with "porque". As written it means "because". Also, Florida is the name of a state. It does not need the "la", and should be capitaliized. Otherwise "florido/a" is an adjective meaning "flowery". Also "le gusta¨refers to"los latinos" and should be plural.

How do you say they like in Spanish?

a ellos/ellas les gusta _____