

A fern reproduces through spores

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Nonflowering plants like ferns reproduce through asexual reproduction for example as a fern does through its spores.

Summing all of this up, a fern reproduces through its spores.

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Q: A fern reproduces through spores
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A vascular plant that reproduces with spores is a fern?

Correct! Ferns are vascular plants that reproduce via spores, which are produced on the underside of their fronds in structures called sporangia. The spores are released into the environment and can germinate into new fern plants under suitable conditions.

Is fern a verb?

No, fern is a noun. It is a type of vascular plant that reproduces by spores, rather than flowers and seeds.

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Whisk ferns reproduce asexually through spores that are produced in sporangia located in the axils of their leaves. The spores are released into the environment, where they can germinate and grow into new gametophytes. Whisk ferns can also reproduce sexually through the fusion of sperm and egg cells produced by specialized structures called antheridia and archegonia.

Is a fern reproduces through spores a fragment?

The spores of a fern are ONE step of its reproduction. This may form a pro-thallus, which when ripe will produce male and female parts. The male sperm of a pro-thallus is motile (!) and provided it is moist, it will fertilize the female seed. From this fertilization, a new fern will arise.

How was it possible that the young plant Z could be found on the cracks of the wall?

Plant z is a fern and reproduces by spores

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The fern looks like a plant when the pine tree looks like a normal tree? (I don't weather its correct)

What is fern?

A flowerless plant which has feathery or leafy fronds and reproduces by spores released from the undersides of the fronds. Ferns have a vascular system for the transport of water and nutrients.

What is an Osmunda?

A fern is what Osmunda [Osmunda spp] is. It reproduces by spores that ripen all together in such golden masses of color that the plant appears to be in bloom. That's why a common name for it is 'flowering fern'.

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Corn, an angiosperm, reproduces by seeds instead of spores. This is a form of sexual reproduction. No angiosperm reproduces with spores.