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Q: A fish that lives at the bottom of the sea that is only six letters?
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Can you divorce your husband if he lives in Sierra Leone and you lives abroad?

only if he's a fish

What fish lives 24 hours?

No fish has that short of a lifespan. The shortest lifespan in any vertebrate is the Seven-figure pygmy goby. This fish lives only 59 days.

Fish that live out of water?

The only fish species that i know of that lives out of water is the dead kind.

What is the answer to yoville lucky letters?

fish helmet but its rigged dont do it you will only stress out

The only other word with the same amount of letters is its plural?

fish, sheep, moose, reindeer, ..........

Do fish have several lives like cats do?

cats only have one life. the nine lives are a superstition created by the fact that a cat can jump off a high place without dying

What foods have only 3 letters in it?

egg nut fig cod (fish) pig cow ant

How long does a cleaner fish live?

It lives a thousand years doing whats right, when it's sick it only lives about two years

Why is my Siamese Fighting Fish laying on the bottom of the tank most of the time and only getting a breath of air once in a while?

Siamese fighting fish lay on the bottom of the tank because they try to play dead

How is an anglers fish bioluminescent lure attract fish?

Angler fish have a little spine that hangs above their eyes that attracts other fish. This only attracts other fish because fish like bright things at the bottom of the ocean.

Do the bars touch on a bar chart?

only when the numbers, letters or words bottom line has something in common with their neighbors.

How often do fish have babies?

That depends upon the species of fish. Some can breed every 3 weeks and others only breed once in their lives.