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Food Web

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Q: A food chain does not show energy connections in nature as accurately as a?
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What chain shows energy connections in nature?

a food chain does not show energy connections

How is the food chain related to the web of life?

The food chain connects all the energy of animals to the greatest to the least and the food web still shows all the energy and they both contains nature,water,soil,air,weather,and plants

How is the energy in a food chain different from the energy of the wind?

how is the energy in a food chain different form the energy of the wind?

Where does virtually all energy required for life come from?

not on earth, but off of it. most animals get their energy from plants, which convert sunlight, water, oxygen, and carbon doixide to form usable energy, which is then distributed up the food chain.

What is the difference in the diesel energy chain to the petrol energy chain?

they are all the same

What form is energy in when it enters a food chain and what form is energy in when it leaves a food chain?

Energy enters a food chain in the form of sunlight, and leaves the food chain in the form of heat.

How can energy be lost in a food chain?

Energy can be lost in a food chain by heat or waste.

Transfer of food energy from one source to another in stages is called what?

This is called a food chain. Food Chain- The moving of energy from one organism to another

How does the energy in a food chain transfer?

The energy in a food chain transfers through the organisms involved in it.

Where is there the least amount of energy in the food chain?

who gets the least amount of energy in the food chain

How do food chain differ from a food web?

A food chain is easily destroyed because, it doesn't accurately show all the kinds of organisms that each heterotroph can consume to get energy from. Therefore, food webs display the various pathways that energy movement can happen in an ecosystem so it does no have to be rearranged.

What shape of a carbon chain play?

carbon chain can be linear, branched or cyclic in nature.