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Environmental groups would be the most interested as they would be the groups profiting from this taxation.

Businesses may not desire to have the tax issue levied on their backs, but it is important to remember that a business can not actually pay a tax. The end result of taxing a business is to have that cost of doing business added to the end product price. If that price becomes noncompetitive, they would need to move to an area which does not regressively tax or they would need to close down that business. That would put the business second on the list after those that would show a profit from the new taxation.

Local citizens would be third on the list as they live in the given community and it could affect their lifestyle having the local river changed for better or not.

Fourth on this list would be politicians themselves. They would be interested or not in this issue depending on what they could obtain from the tax or vetoing the tax. Failing to adhere to the local opinion could cost a politician their job.

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