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nerve tract

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Q: A group of neurons with shared functions in the CNS is called a?
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When a group of neurons that carry impulses from the CNS to effectors are clustered together they are called what?

Motor neurons.

What is the name of a group of nerve cells?

A group of nerve cells or neurons is called ganglia.

What is a group of neurons working together called?

A large group of neurons working together is called a brain. A smaller group is called a ganglion.

A group of neurons that perform one particular function is called?

I think it is a neural pool.

What group of tissues that perform similar functions is called an?

an organ

A group of functions with similar characteristics?

the answer is like a peer group or informal or formal group

A group of similar cells preforming similar functions is called what?


What is the group of programs that controls how your computer functions?

The group of programs that controls how your computer operates are called the operating system

What is the group of tissues that work together to perform closely related functions?

A group of tissues that work together to perform a specific function is called an organ. Tissues are made up of a group of cells that are performing the same functions.

What are cells called when they group together?

They are called a tissue.But they should be bonded,perform specific functions and have a similar origin.

Groups of axons and dendrites in the PNS are called?

A group of axons in the CNS is most likely referring to the tracts of neurons that are found in the spinal cord.

What is it called when people ride to work together to conserve fuel?

Any group going anywhere in shared vehicles to conserve fuel is called carpooling.