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A Magnetic Domain is a cluster of billions of atoms that have magnetic fields lines up the same way.

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A grouping of atoms that have their magnetic fields aligned is called a magnetic domain. In a material, these domains can interact and contribute to its overall magnetic properties.

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Magnetic domains

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it's a magnetic domain

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Q: A grouping of atoms that have their magnetic fields aligned is called?
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What is the definition for Magnetic Domain?

A magnetic domain is a region within a material where the magnetic moments of atoms are aligned in the same direction. These domains can change size, shape, and orientation in response to external magnetic fields.

How do magnetic field interact?

Magnetic fields interact with each other by either attracting (opposite poles) or repelling (like poles) each other. When magnetic fields are aligned in the same direction, they strengthen each other, and when they are aligned in opposite directions, they cancel each other out. The interaction between magnetic fields obeys the laws of electromagnetism.

Is formed when the magnetic Fields of electrons are aligned in the same direction?

A ferromagnet is formed when the magnetic fields of electrons in a material align in the same direction. This alignment creates a permanent magnetic moment in the material, making it exhibit strong magnetic properties even in the absence of an external magnetic field.

Why are some objects magnetic and some are not?

cause they are broken in half..

How does an electric motor rotate once it's electromagnet is aligned along the magnet field or it's permanent magnet?

Once the electromagnet in an electric motor is aligned along the magnetic field produced by permanent magnets, a torque is generated due to the interaction of magnetic fields. This torque causes the rotor (part of the motor that holds the electromagnet) to rotate. The rotation continues as the electromagnet switches polarity to stay aligned with the changing magnetic fields, creating a continuous rotation.

Related questions

What is the definition for Magnetic Domain?

A magnetic domain is a region within a material where the magnetic moments of atoms are aligned in the same direction. These domains can change size, shape, and orientation in response to external magnetic fields.

What state of matter is a grouping of electrons and ions that react collectively to forces exerted by electric and magnetic fields?


How do the orientations of Uranus' and Neptune's magnetic axes differ from those of the other planets?

The magnetic fields are not aligned with the rotational axis of the planet and they are not located at the center of the planet.

What is clustered region of aligned magnetic atoms called?

Technically impossible . In a rock , ferromagnetism can create poles , but not in atoms . Atoms cannot be magnetic . Molecules can be polar , which leads to Van der Waals links , but a region's molecule cannot become all lined in the same directions . Pretty simple , as a matter of fact .

When and magnetic fields both exist it is called an electric magnetic field?


A wave that consists of changing electric and magnetic fields is called?

An electromagnetic wave.

Volcanic rock shows that some layers have magnetic fields that are aligned opposite to Earths This evidence BEST fits which hypothesis?

Sea floor spreading / plate tectonics. Also magnetic reversal in the past.

What is the sensing device used to detect magnetic fields called?

A magnetometer.

When was The Magnetic Fields created?

The Magnetic Fields was created in 1989.

What is the equipment used to measure magnetic force called?

The equipment used to measure magnetic force is called a magnetometer. Magnetometers can come in various types, such as fluxgate, Hall effect, or SQUID magnetometers, and are used to detect and measure magnetic fields.

What is a science experiment that demonstrates that magnetic fields cannot be blocked?

Magnetic fields can be blocked. Magnetic fields cannot penetrate a superconductor, and regions can be shielded from magnetic fields using ferromagnetic materials.

What is a grouping of electrons and ions that react collectively to forces exerted by electric and magnetic fields?

A plasma is a grouping of electrons and ions that react collectively to forces exerted by electric and magnetic fields. Plasmas are often referred to as the "fourth state of matter" and can exhibit unique properties, such as conducting electricity and emitting light. They are found in phenomena like lightning, the sun, and fluorescent lights.