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If it is initially at twice the height, it will have twice the potential energy (compared to the ground level); therefore, when it falls down, it will also have twice the kinetic energy (assuming air resistance can be ignored).

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2w ago

If the hammer fell from a roof that is twice as tall, it would have four times the kinetic energy compared to when it fell from the original height. This is because the potential energy of the hammer is proportional to its height, so doubling the height results in quadrupling the potential energy, which is converted to kinetic energy as it falls.

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Q: A hammer falls off a roof top and strikes the ground with a certain kineic energy if it fell from a roof twice as tall how would it compare?
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Use the law of conservation of energy to describe what happens to the potential energy of a rock when it is dropped from your hand and strikes the ground?

When the rock is dropped, it loses potential energy as it falls due to gravity. This potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, increasing the rock's speed. When the rock strikes the ground, all its potential energy is converted into sound and heat energy upon impact.

When an object is lifted 6 feet off the ground it gains a certain amount of potential energy If the same object is lifted 12 feet off the ground its potential energy is?

When an object is lifted 6 feet off the ground, its potential energy is a certain value based on its height and mass. If the same object is then lifted 12 feet off the ground, its potential energy will be doubled compared to when it was lifted 6 feet. This is because potential energy is directly proportional to the height to which the object is lifted.

Why an object at rest on the ground has 0 Joules gravitational potential energy?

An object at rest on the ground has 0 Joules of gravitational potential energy because potential energy is calculated relative to a reference point, typically a certain height above the ground. When the object is on the ground, the height is considered to be zero, so there is no potential energy stored in the object relative to that reference point.

As an object falls in free fall what energy is taking place?

As an object falls in free fall, potential energy is being converted into kinetic energy. Initially, the object has gravitational potential energy due to its height, which is then converted into kinetic energy as it accelerates towards the ground.

What kind of energy gives off when a kid falls out of a tree?

When a kid falls out of a tree, the energy given off is kinetic energy in the form of motion as the child falls towards the ground. This kinetic energy is then transferred to other forms of energy upon impact, such as sound and potential energy from the child's position above the ground.

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When the rock is dropped, it loses potential energy as it falls due to gravity. This potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, increasing the rock's speed. When the rock strikes the ground, all its potential energy is converted into sound and heat energy upon impact.

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