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Q: A hammer is dropped on Planet X. If the hammer has a mass of 3 kg and a weight of 9N what is the gravitational acceleration of Planet X Is it more or less than that of Earth?
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If you dropped a hammer and a feather on the moon at the same time which would hit the ground first?

Since they are both headed toward the center of the moon at the same rate of acceleration they should hit the moons surface at the same moment. No air resistance to speak of allows this.

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air resistance, on the moon they did an experiment where they dropped a hammer and a feather at the same height and time and they hit the ground at the same time

Does a raised hammer possess gravitational potential energy?

Yes, it does.

How would you slow down the speed of a penny being dropped?

Increase the resistance to motion: * Strap a parachute to it. * Hammer it out to make it flat, increasing its surface area. * Increase the air pressure. Decrease the accelerating force: * Drop it on a lighter planet, like Mars. * Take it further from the ground, where the gravitational field is weaker. Cheat: * Use a slow motion camera.

What hurts your planet?

Hitting it with a hammer

What kind of energy does a hammer have when it is held high above a nail?

The hammer will have potential energy. It is because of the height.

All objects fall with the same acceleration?

On Earth, all massive objects are subject to the same gravitational acceleration - although air resistance affects different objects differently, so a feather accelerates more slowly than a hammer. But, as was famously demonstrated on the Moon, in a vacuum, both will fall in exactly the same time.

A tennis ball and a solid steel ball the same size are dropped at the same time which ball has the greater force acting on it?

If both balls are exactly the same size, and one having larger mass, the 300g ball will hit the ground first. This is easy to relate to a hammer and a large feather, even if they have the same surface area the hammer having a larger mass has a larger terminal velocity.

What are some examples of air resistance and gravitational force?

1. when you drop a feather and a hammer the feather falls slower than the hammer

What falls faster when dropped on the moon a hammer or a feather?

If they are dropped from the same height, they will fall at equal velocities because there is no air resistance and their accelerations by gravity are equal.

In 1971 who dropped the hammer and feather on the moon to seen which would land first?

Dave Scott.

What would happen if your in space with no atmosphere and you dropped a feather and a hammer?

They would both float if you had no gravity.