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A harmless moth that resembles a poisonous wasp is an example of Batesian mimicry. The name comes from Henry Walter Bates, who was an English naturalist.

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Q: A harmless moth that resembles a poisonous wasp is an example of?
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Are moths poisonous?

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A Antheraea Polyphemus caterpillar is completely harmless to humans and animals. It belongs to a family of the Cyclops Polyphemus and has no venom or any other harmful things.

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Moth dust is not poisonous. Although the dust is not poisonous, it is not advised that you would want to eat the dust.

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The Vapourer moth caterpillar is hairy and has red spots on their dark gray or black body. They are not a poisonous caterpillar.

What is in the rainforest that begins with z?

The Zodiac Moth lives in the rainforest. It is a large orange and black moth that resembles a butterfly.

Why does the Yellow-banded Wasp Moth look like a wasp?

To protect itself from predators. Most predators will avoid it, thinking it may be a poisonous wasp or hornet. It is harmless.....unless you are a bores into wood.

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A moth A butterfly A dragonfly

What do zodiac moths eat?

The zodiac moth is an attractive moth that resembles a butterfly. They feed mainly on Omphalea Queenslandiae and dead pupa.

Are the fuzzy cocoons of a moth poisonous?

There are different types of moths. Some of the fuzzy cocoons of a moth may be poisonous while other species are not harmful at all.

Is the Cecropia moth caterpillar found in New York State Poisonous?


Do a baby moth look like it's parents?

moth resembles its parents a lot. It new gen are elephants.

Has characteristics of a butterfly and resembles a bee but without a stinger?

That would probably by a bumble bee moth.