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That would probably by a bumble bee moth.

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Q: Has characteristics of a butterfly and resembles a bee but without a stinger?
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They do sting. They can't live without their stinger

Can a bee lose its stinger and grow one back?

No. After a bee has stung its victim, when it pulls away the barbed stinger pulls out of the bee's body together with with the venom sac and the associated structures. The bee dies from its injuries.

Why is each stage of a monarch butterfly's life important?

Without it the butterfly wouldnt have develped properly

How do you capture a butterfly without a butterfly net?

Distract it with a flower then use your hands or use a box

What is the difference form a sting bee and a non sting bee?

A bee's stinger is modified ovipositor, the organ that a female bee uses to lay eggs. For worker bees, which are sterile, their ovipositor has evolved into a stinger only. For queen bees, the stinger does double duty as a stinger and an egg layer. Bees without stingers are most likely male. If there exists species of stingless bees, then the ovipositor did not evolve into a stinger organ for those species.

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Is butterfly an invertebrate?

Firstly , what is invertebrate ?? Animals without backbone right ?? Yes . So butterfly .... is it an vertebrate or invertebrate ? YES !

Is there a insect without a pupa stage?

yes there is many like the butterfly :)

How is each of stage of life cycle for monarch butterfly important?

i guess beause without any of the cycles the butterfly wouldn't develop properly