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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

In literature, a character who is either the opposite or very similar to the main character is known as a foil. Foils help highlight certain traits or characteristics of the main character through the contrast or similarities between them. This literary device is commonly used to add depth and complexity to the main character.

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Q: A is either the opposite of the main character or nearly the same as him or her?
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Is either the opposite of the main character or nearly the same as him or her?


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A foil character is a type of character who contrasts with the main character, highlighting their qualities by being their opposite. Foil characters often serve to bring out certain traits in the main character by providing a point of comparison.

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A foil is a character with qualities that are very different from the main character's. You use a foil in writing as a basis for comparison... because you are showing the opposite, the main character's qualities stand out more.

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The opposite of protagonist is antagonist, which in many cases is an enemy or foe.In literary terms, the protagonist is the main character of the story, whereas an antagonist is a character who opposes or acts against the actions of that character.

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A character who is opposed or competes the main character. * is called the antagonist while the main character is called the protagonist,

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Who is the main character in PokΓ©mon's dp?

Why, it's you! Either pick the boy or the girl and name it. Then you are the main character, followed by your rival whose name you pick.

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The main character will be the person that the story is about, either the hero or the villain. Your teacher wants you to think about the story and decide which character is the most important to the story.

What was the author trying to make the main character's world in The Giver?

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